Themenblock: Ben Nevis
(Log-Books of Ben Nevis Observatory)
Hinweis: In dem Themenblock "Ben Nevis Observatory" sind die
Textstellen der Logbucheintragungen zu den Halobeobachtungen
chronologisch geordnet und mit der entsprechenden Seitenzahl versehen. Geht
die Eintragung eines Tages über zwei Seiten, so wird die Textstelle
der folgenden Seite unter Fortlassung des Datums formatiert neu
aufgeführt und mit der aktuellen Seitenzahl belegt. Verweise auf
Abbildungen sind als Kommentar (Fig.n-n) den Zitaten angefügt.
"Observatory Log-Book", in:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Royal Society Edinburgh,
ISSN:0080-4568, Edinburgh,
OCLC-Nr.:224527892, Edinburgh,
Vol.34, (1890), p.316-356,
"Observatory Log-Book", (observations from 1883 to 1887),
year |
date |
quotation |
page |
1884 |
January 03 |
"At 17h 35m lunar halo. Radius 17° (?)." |
318 |
1884 |
March 04 |
"At 10h 50m solar halo observed" |
320 |
1884 |
April 07 |
"At 3h lunar halo observed, not well defined, white." |
320 |
1884 |
May 07 |
"At 8h a solar halo observed, red inside, bluish colour outside." |
321 |
1884 |
May 11 |
"Solar halo observed at 10h." |
321 |
1884 |
May 13 |
"Faint solar halo, red inside, at 10h." |
321 |
1884 |
May 23 |
"At 13h solar halo observed." |
321 |
1884 |
July 26 |
"At 10h solar halo observed, colours quite distinct, red inside." |
322 |
1884 |
September 18 |
"At 10h solar halo with colours observed." |
323 |
1884 |
November 23 |
"At noon the red haze under the sun to the form of a crude partial halo." |
324 |
1884 |
November 29 |
"At midnight very faint halo." |
325 |
1884 |
November 30 |
"At 1h faint halo, no colours, inside radius roughly 18° 20' by stephanome - ..." |
325 |
1884 |
December 27 |
"At 17h very faint lunar halo seen." |
325 |
1885 |
February 28 |
"Solar halo at 14h 23m, faint red inside, radius about 18°." |
327 |
1885 |
March 21 |
"At 20h lunar halo observed." |
327 |
1885 |
March 30 |
"Lunar halo at 22h on cirrus clouds." |
328 |
1885 |
April 08 |
"Solar halo at 10 and at 11h." |
328 |
1885 |
April 17 |
"At 6h faint solar halo was observed, which vanished at 6h 10m, expect two very bright ..." |
328 |
1885 |
May 11 |
"At 13h halo, red inside, seen on blue sky, where no cloudiness was apparent." |
328 |
1885 |
July 18 |
"At 6h solar halo observed." |
330 |
1885 |
July 24 |
"Solar halo observed at 17h." |
330 |
1885 |
October 17 |
"At 9h faint white solar halo, no colours seen." |
331 |
1885 |
October 23 |
"Lunar halo (colourless) seen at 3h." |
332 |
1885 |
October 29 |
"At 23h cir.-str. to eastward, on which dim lunar halo was observed." |
332 |
1885 |
December 17 |
"Very faint lunar halo at 22h." |
333 |
1885 |
December 18 |
"At 11h faint solar halo, white." |
334 |
1885 |
December 22 |
"Lunar halo, white, at 23h." |
334 |
1886 |
February 15 |
"At 9h solar halo, with portion of reverse halo on upper side of it." |
336 |
1886 |
February 15 |
"From 19h to 23h lunar halo on cirrus, and for most of the time misty corona also on cirrus." |
336 |
1886 |
March 07 |
"Halo observed at 11h. ... Same halo observed at 12h. |
336-337 |
1886 |
April 17 |
"Fragments of lunar halo seen at night, and faint brown colour under moon." |
338 |
1886 |
April 20 |
"At 19h solar halo observed." |
338 |
1886 |
April 21 |
"In early morning fragment of lunar halo observed several times." |
338 |
1886 |
April 21 |
"Faint solar halo observed in afternoon." |
338 |
1886 |
April 24 |
"At 8h spot of light forming part of solar halo was observed, coloured red, yellow, green ..." |
338 |
1886 |
April 25 |
"At 9h upper segment of halo seen on cirrus much higher than the general amount ..." |
338 |
1886 |
May 02 |
"Portion of solar halo seen at 5h, the part above sun white and ill-defined, ..." |
338 |
1886 |
May 07 |
"Solar halo in forenoon." |
338 |
1886 |
May 12 |
"Faint upper arc of halo seen at 5h." |
339 |
1886 |
May 16 |
"Fragments of solar halo at 5h." |
339 |
1886 |
May 20 |
"Solar halo at 7h; colours faint, red inside." |
339 |
1886 |
May 27 |
"At 13h bright halo seen; red inside, then yellow and blue outside." |
339 |
1886 |
June 01 |
"Fragment of halo, red inside, seen at 13h." |
339 |
1886 |
June 04 |
"At 5h 10m halo and mock suns observed, halo red inside and blue outside." |
339 |
1886 |
June 07 |
"Halo at 8h." |
339 |
1886 |
June 20 |
"At the same hour part of solar halo, ... |
340 |
1886 |
June 20 |
Part of solar halo was observed at 15h." |
340 |
1886 |
August 14 |
"At 13h solar halo observed; no colours visible." |
340 |
1886 |
August 19 |
"At 13h solar halo observed, radius 24°14'." |
340 |
1886 |
November 05 |
"Well-defined halo seen all evening." |
341 |
1886 |
November 11 |
"A, portion of solar halo was observed at 10h and also at 11h." |
341 |
1886 |
November 12 |
"Portion of halo seen at 21h; radius 21°13'." |
341 |
1886 |
November 21 |
"At 11h portion of halo (red inside) seen." |
342 |
1886 |
December 14 |
"Portions of lunar halo seen several times at night." |
342 |
1886 |
December 20 |
"At 12h upper half of halo seen, red inside, white outside." |
342 |
1886 |
December 27 |
"Faint halo at 10h." |
342 |
1887 |
January 03 |
"Faint halo seen at 19h;also triple corona." |
343 |
1887 |
January 06 |
"Solar halo at 11h and 13h." |
343 |
1887 |
January 08 |
"Halo seen at 1h." |
343 |
1887 |
February 08 |
"No trace of a halo was observed on the cirrus. (Negativmeldung)" |
344 |
1887 |
March 06 |
"Solar halo seen between 9h and 10h, as sketched (fig. 11, 12)." |
346 |
1887 |
March 16 |
"No trace of 22° halo. Radius of eastern mock sun, 25° 13'." |
347 |
1887 |
March 26 |
"Solar halo of 22° seen at 8h, red inside and bluish white outside; no measurements got." |
347 |
1887 |
April 12 |
"At 18h bright spot on each side of sun like mock suns, but no trace of halo." |
348 |
1887 |
May 01 |
"At 11h ..., the former being much higher than latter, also a trace of halo." |
348 |
1887 |
May 13 |
"Cloud vanished suddenly, leaving a halo on cirrus much higher up. (Fig.14) ...; blue, 24°28' and 24°13'. No trace of an inner ring was visible. |
348-349 |
1887 |
May 26 |
"Faint solar halo seen at 12h and 13h." |
349 |
1887 |
May 27 |
"Solar halo seen at 11h; colours strong, red inside and blue outside; ..." |
349 |
1887 |
June 02 |
"A faint solar halo was seen at 17h." |
349 |
1887 |
June 03 |
"Solar halo seen at 11h and 12h. (Fig.15)" |
349 |
1887 |
June 20 |
"A segment of a solar halo was seen at 4h and a full halo at 6h." |
349 |
1887 |
July 02 |
"Halo seen at 7h; red inside; rather broad and faint. Seen again at 8h and at 13h." |
350 |
1887 |
July 21 |
"A solar halo was seen at 8h; no measurements got." |
350 |
1887 |
August 05 |
"Trace of halo seen at 12h." |
350 |
1887 |
September 01 |
"At 22h an ill-defined white lunar halo was observed." |
350 |
1887 |
November 06 |
"At 1h, 3h and 4h a lunar halo was observed." |
352 |
1887 |
November 27 |
"At midnight a lunar halo was seen, having a trace of red inside at part nearest zenith only." |
353 |
1887 |
November 30 |
", a halo began to form about halfway between moon and cloud. A spot in the halo ..." |
354 |
"Observatory Log-Book", in:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Royal Society Edinburgh,
ISSN:0080-4568, Edinburgh,
OCLC-Nr.:224527892, Edinburgh,
Vol.42, (1902), p.064-077,
"Ben Nevis Observatory Log-Book, 1888",
year |
date |
quotation |
page |
1888 |
January 15 |
"From 13h to 16h a small arc of solar halo was seen, coloured red, yellow and blue,..." |
065 |
1888 |
February 16 |
"At 14h 20m solar halo seen." |
066 |
1888 |
February 20 |
"At 23h lunar halo and corona seen." |
066 |
1888 |
February 28 |
"At 2h a portion of lunar halo was seen." |
066 |
1888 |
February 28 |
"A faint halo was seen at 5h,6h and 8h, the last being solar." |
066 |
1888 |
March 02 |
"A faint lunar halo was seen at 3h and .a corona at 4h." |
067 |
1888 |
March 25 |
"Faint lunar halo seen at 20h,21h and 22h." |
068 |
1888 |
March 27 |
"At 23h and midnight lunar halo seen, faintly tinged with red inside." |
068 |
1888 |
March 28 |
"The lunar halo still visible at 1h and 2h." |
068 |
1888 |
April 12 |
"Portions of solar halo were seen at 7h and 9h." |
068 |
1888 |
April 14 |
"A solar halo, red inside, blue outside, was seen to-day between 17h and 18h." |
068 |
1888 |
April 24 |
"Solar halo seen at 19h-red inside." |
068 |
1888 |
April 24 |
"A lunar halo seen at 21h and midnight." |
068 |
1888 |
April 25 |
"Lunar halo still visible at 1h and 2h." |
068 |
1888 |
April 25 |
"A solar halo was seen at 16h." |
068 |
1888 |
May 10 |
"At 6h faint mock suns seen, with trace of halo on each side of sun." |
069 |
1888 |
May 11 |
"At 6h a very faint halo was seen." |
069 |
1888 |
May 12 |
"Solar halo seen at 10h, red inside, blue outside; it was also seen at 11h." |
069 |
1888 |
May 14 |
"A halo was seen on this cir.-s. at 11h 8m." |
069 |
1888 |
May 16 |
"Very faint solar halo seen at 10h." |
069 |
1888 |
May 23 |
"Portions of solar halos were seen at 10h and 12h." |
070 |
1888 |
May 25 |
"A solar halo was seen at 11h and 12h." |
070 |
1888 |
June 01 |
"At about 20h 45m a solar halo was seen- only a small portion of the circle." |
070 |
1888 |
June 05 |
"A faint solar halo was seen at 8h and again at 17h." |
071 |
1888 |
June 11 |
"A solar halo was seen at 9h." |
071 |
1888 |
June 19 |
"Solar halo seen at 15h and again at 19h." |
071 |
1888 |
June 26 |
"Faint halo seen at 11h." |
072 |
1888 |
July 18 |
"A portion of solar halo was seen at 17h." |
072 |
1888 |
July 24 |
"At 10h a solar halo was seen." |
073 |
1888 |
August 02 |
"A broad and ill-defined solar halo was seen at 8h, formed on cirrus clouds." |
073 |
1888 |
August 10 |
"A solar halo was seen at 8h and 9h." |
073 |
1888 |
August 19 |
"Faint halo seen at 7h, the part to N. of sun most distinct." |
073 |
1888 |
August 19 |
"Mock sun seen also to N. of sun at same height above horizon." |
073 |
1888 |
October 09 |
"Solar halo seen at 10h." |
075 |
1888 |
November 27 |
"At 4h a lunar halo was seen." |
076 |
1888 |
November 28 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 7h, and a solar halo at 10h." |
076-077 |
"Observatory Log-Book", in:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Royal Society Edinburgh,
ISSN:0080-4568, Edinburgh,
OCLC-Nr.:224527892, Edinburgh,
Vol.42, (1902), p.134-144,
"Ben Nevis Observatory Log-Book, 1889",
year |
date |
quotation |
page |
1889 |
January 13 |
"A solar halo was seen at 11h and 12h, and lunar coronae at 2h, 3h ..." |
134 |
1889 |
January 14 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 3h." |
134 |
1889 |
February 10 |
"Solar halo seen from 10h to 13h." |
135 |
1889 |
February 15 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 21h, 22h and 23h." |
136 |
1889 |
February 27 |
"Part of a solar halo was at 12h, and an aurora at 21h." |
136 |
1889 |
March 15 |
"... it was covered with cirro-cumulus, on which at 21h a faintly marked lunar halo was seen." |
136 |
1889 |
March 27 |
"A solar halo was seen at 12h and 13h." |
137 |
1889 |
April 17 |
"A halo was seen at 9h." |
137 |
1889 |
June 14 |
"A solar halo and mock suns were seen at 5h." |
138 |
1889 |
July 27 |
"A bright mock sun was seen at about 19h 30m," |
140 |
1889 |
October 03 |
"A solar halo was seen at 15h." |
141 |
1889 |
October 10 |
"Cirro-stratus and cirro-cumulus covered the sky, and at 1h, 2h, and 3h a lunar halo was ..." |
141 |
1889 |
November 13 |
"A halo was seen from the plateau of Storms at about 14h 30m." |
142 |
1889 |
December 03 |
"A lunar halo op portion of one was seen from 20h onwards." |
143 |
"Observatory Log-Book", in:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Royal Society Edinburgh,
ISSN:0080-4568, Edinburgh,
OCLC-Nr.:224527892, Edinburgh,
Vol.42, (1902), p.219-226,
"Ben Nevis Observatory Log-Book, 1890",
year |
date |
quotation |
page |
1890 |
January 22 |
"A faint solar halo was seen at 12h." |
220 |
1890 |
January 23 |
"A solar halo was seen at 13h." |
220 |
1890 |
January 24 |
"The top was almost clear at 11h, and a solar halo was seen." |
220 |
1890 |
January 27 |
"A lunar corona was seen at 17h and 18h; and a lunar halo at 21h and 23h." |
220 |
1890 |
January 28 |
"At 10h a solar corona was seen, and at 19h a lunar halo; ..." |
220 |
1890 |
February 06 |
"Lunar halo at 1h. Radius to inner edge = 23° 58'." |
220 |
1890 |
February 09 |
"Mock sun seen at 9h 5m. Distance from sun-centre to centre-22° 50'." |
220 |
1890 |
March 01 |
"A lunar halo was seen at midnight on very thin filmy cirrus, which radiated from N.E. and S.W." |
221 |
1890 |
March 02 |
"... a corona, but no halo. (Negativmeldung)" |
221 |
1890 |
March 27 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 22h." |
222 |
1890 |
April 05 |
"Part of solar halo seen at 15h." |
222 |
1890 |
April 06 |
"Top clear at 6h and 7h. At these hours a solar halo with two mock suns was observed." |
222 |
1890 |
April 27 |
"A mock sun brightly coloured seen to N. of sun (about 22°) from 19h 40m till after sunset ..." |
222 |
1890 |
April 27 |
"Lunar halo with mock moons seen at 23h and midnight." |
222 |
1890 |
April 28 |
"Part of a solar halo was seen at 12h; and a lunar corona at 23h." |
222 |
1890 |
May 07 |
"A solar halo was seen at 15h." |
223 |
1890 |
May 11 |
"A solar halo was seen at 14h and another at 18h." |
223 |
1890 |
June 05 |
"A solar halo was seen at 18h." |
223 |
1890 |
June 08 |
"A solar halo was seen at 11h and 12h." |
223 |
1890 |
July 17 |
"A halo was seen at 14h." |
224 |
1890 |
July 21 |
"Solar halo seen at 21h." |
224 |
1890 |
July 27 |
"Solar halo seen at 16h." |
224 |
1890 |
October 02 |
"Faint solar halo seen at 10h." |
225 |
1890 |
October 18 |
"A halo, but not well defined, was seen at 15h. No meassurements were got." |
225 |
1890 |
November 18 |
"Solar halo seen at 9h, 10h, and 11h, and" |
225 |
1890 |
November 18 |
"... a lunar halo at 18h and 19h." |
225 |
1890 |
December 29 |
"From 10h to 15h a vertical ray or halo downwards from sun was seen ..." |
226 |
"Observatory Log-Book", in:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Royal Society Edinburgh,
ISSN:0080-4568, Edinburgh,
OCLC-Nr.:224527892, Edinburgh,
Vol.42, (1902), p.314-322,
"Ben Nevis Observatory Log-Book, 1891",
year |
date |
quotation |
page |
1891 |
January 03 |
"Faint lunar halo seen at 2h." |
314 |
1891 |
January 06 |
"Halo seen at 6h." |
314 |
1891 |
January 22 |
"Lunar halo seen from 18h to 22h." |
314 |
1891 |
January 29 |
"Lunar halo at 5h." |
314 |
1891 |
February 21 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 20h-22h." |
315 |
1891 |
March 07 |
"Solar halo and mock sun seen at 17h." |
316 |
1891 |
March 14 |
"A solar halo was seen at 9h." |
316 |
1891 |
March 18 |
"Solar halo seen at 15h, ..." |
316 |
1891 |
March 18 |
"... and lunar halos at 20h and midnight." |
316 |
1891 |
March 19 |
"Lunar halo and "mock moon" seen at 3h." |
316 |
1891 |
April 09 |
"Some cir.-s. on sky at and after 6h, onwhich, from 7h till 18h, a solar halo was visible." |
317 |
1891 |
April 09 |
"At 18h the 22° halo ... very bright, with a faint mock sun visible, but no trace ... bow." |
317 |
1891 |
May 05 |
"... half covered cirrus and cirro-stratus, on which at 8h a halo with two mock suns was seen." |
318 |
1891 |
May 11 |
"A solar halo was seen most of the day." |
318 |
1891 |
May 12 |
"Before rising, at about 4h 2m, a sun pillar rising vertically upwards ..., or mock sun in it." |
318 |
1891 |
May 12 |
"A solar halo was seen at intervals during the day." |
318 |
1891 |
June 01 |
"A solar halo was seen at 13h, and a ..." |
318 |
1891 |
June 01 |
"..., and a mock sun at 19h." |
318 |
1891 |
June 09 |
"Solar halo seen at 17h." |
318 |
1891 |
June 27 |
"Solar halo seen at 18h." |
319 |
1891 |
July 01 |
"Solar halo seen at 18h." |
319 |
1891 |
July 09 |
"Cirri forms on sky, on which from 9h till 13h a solar halo was visible." |
319 |
1891 |
July 31 |
"Solar halo seen at 14h." |
319 |
1891 |
August 06 |
"Solar halo seen at 8h." |
319 |
1891 |
September 11 |
"Faint halo was seen at 14h." |
320 |
1891 |
September 19 |
"Lunar corona seen at 23h and a lunar halo at midnight." |
320 |
1891 |
September 20 |
"A lunar halo seen till 4h and ..." |
320 |
1891 |
September 20 |
"... a solar halo at 11h." |
320 |
1891 |
September 25 |
"Solar halo at 16h." |
320 |
1891 |
October 26 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 4h and 5h." |
320 |
1891 |
November 14 |
"At 20h the sky was almost covered with cirro-stratus on which a lunar halo was seen, ..." |
321 |
1891 |
November 18 |
"Sky overcast with cir.-s. till 5h on which a lunar halo was seen at 2h, 3h, and 4h, ..." |
321 |
1891 |
December 07 |
"Solar halo seen at 13h and bouble lunar corona at 18h." |
321 |
1891 |
December 08 |
"At 11h 30m a solar halo and two mock suns were seen." |
321 |
1891 |
December 12 |
"Solar halo seen at 10h 20m and at 11h." |
321 |
"Observatory Log-Book", in:
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Royal Society Edinburgh,
ISSN:0080-4568, Edinburgh,
OCLC-Nr.:224527892, Edinburgh,
Vol.42, (1902), p.410-418,
"Ben Nevis Observatory Log-Book, 1892",
year |
date |
quotation |
page |
1892 |
January 12 |
"Lunar corona at 19h, and faint lunar halo at 20h and 23h." |
410 |
1892 |
February 15 |
"Faint solar halo at 11h." |
411 |
1892 |
February 20 |
"At 14h a portion of halo seen above sun." |
411 |
1892 |
March 12 |
"No halo or corona surrounded the moon." (Negativmeldung) |
411 |
1892 |
March 12 |
"Lunar halo at 19h, and a lunar corona at 23h." |
411 |
1892 |
March 13 |
"Solar halo at 10h." |
411 |
1892 |
March 16 |
"A solar halo of 45° was seen at 11h." |
412 |
1892 |
March 20 |
"An a aurora at 1h, and a halo with mock suns at 16h 55m was seen from plateau of storms." |
412 |
1892 |
March 29 |
"An aurora with single arch and faint streamers at 1h, 2h, and 3h, and a solar halo at 8h and 13h." |
412 |
1892 |
March 31 |
"Aurora seen at 1h and 2h, and a halo at 17h 40m." |
412 |
1892 |
April 02 |
"A solar halo seen from 9h till 17h, ..." |
412 |
1892 |
April 02 |
"... and a lunar halo with mock moons at midnight." |
412 |
1892 |
April 03 |
"Lunar halos seen at 1h, 20h, 23h and midnight, ..." |
412 |
1892 |
April 03 |
"... midnight, and mock moons at 1h and 20h." |
412 |
1892 |
April 06 |
"A solar halo seen at 15h 10m." |
412 |
1892 |
April 19 |
"Sky clouddy or overcast till 18h with cir.-s. on which a bright halo was seen, ..." |
413 |
1892 |
April 20 |
"Halo seen at 15h and 16h." |
413 |
1892 |
May 05 |
"Lunar halo and aurora seen at 23h and midnight." |
413 |
1892 |
May 11 |
"Cir.-s. moving from S.W. on sky on which in the forenoon a solar halo was visible." |
413 |
1892 |
May 11 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 1h." |
413 |
1892 |
May 12 |
"A lunar halo was seen at 1h, and ..." |
413 |
1892 |
May 12 |
"... a solar halo at 5h, 6h, and 11h." |
413 |
1892 |
May 20 |
"A mock sun was seen at 20h." |
413 |
1892 |
May 28 |
"Solar halo seen at 5h and 6h." |
413 |
1892 |
June 02 |
"A solar halo was seen at 5h." |
413 |
1892 |
July 25 |
"Portion of solar halo seen at 13h." |
414 |
1892 |
July 30 |
"Solar halo seen at 8h." |
415 |
1892 |
September 05 |
"Lunar halo at 1h, after which mist came on and continued all day." |
415 |
1892 |
October 04 |
"A solar halo at 15h." |
415 |
1892 |
October 18 |
"A solar halo at 14h and 15h." |
416 |
1892 |
October 20 |
"A solar halo was seen between 13h and 16h as sketched above." |
416 |
1892 |
December 25 |
"A faint aurora was seen at night, and a solar halo at 12h." |
418 |
1892 |
December 27 |
"A solar halo was seen at 13h, ..." |
418 |
1892 |
December 27 |
"... and a lunar halo at 23h." |
418 |
1892 |
December 28 |
"A bit of a lunar halo was seen at 1h." |
418 |
end of file