Subject block: Logs-2 regional, file-1
(Halobeobachtungen aus Logbüchern, Jahresberichten und Chroniken) /
(Halo observations from logbooks, annual reports and chronicles)
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat April 1860 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.03 = (Jg.14 Astron. Unterh.), No.30, (1860), S.233-236.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Mai 1860 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.03 = (Jg.14 Astron. Unterh.), No.33, (1860), S.257-260.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Juni 1860 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.03 = (Jg.14 Astron. Unterh.), No.35, (1860), S.273-275.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat August 1860 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.03 = (Jg.14 Astron. Unterh.), No.47, (1860), S.369-374.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat October 1860 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.04, (1861), S.25-28.
Ellner, B.:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat November 1860 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.08, (1861), S.57-61.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat December 1860 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.11, (1861), S.81-85.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1860.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
April |
"Sonnenhöfe: am 4. und 21. in Utrecht." |
30 |
236 |
April |
"Mondhöfe: am 1. in Prag und München, am 4. in Kremsmünster und Ittendorf, am 6. in Dresden, am 26. in Putbus." |
30 |
236 |
Mai |
"Sonnenhof wurde beobachtet in München am 24.;" |
33 |
259 |
Mai |
"Mondhof in Kremsmünster am 31." |
33 |
259 |
Juni |
"Sonnenringe wurden beobachtet zu Utrecht am 9., 14., 15. und 20., zu München am 7., 19." |
35 |
275 |
August |
"Sonnenhöfe wurden beobachtet in München am 9. und 20." |
47 |
373 |
Oktober |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet in München am 3. 31., ein Sonnenhof in München am 7., Nebensonnen in Dresden am 7." |
04 |
27 |
November |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet: am 29. in Dresden, an dem selben Abende in München, am 30. in München, am 28. in Prag; ein" |
08 |
60 |
November |
"Sonnenhof wurde gesehen in Dresden am 27." |
08 |
60 |
Dezember |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet am 19. in München und am 28. in Dresden." |
11 |
84 |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Januar 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.20, (1861), S.153-157.
Ellner, B.:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Februar 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.26, (1861), S.201-205.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat März 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.33, (1861), S.257-262.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat April 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.35, (1861), S.273-277.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Mai 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.36, (1861), S.281-285.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Juni 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.42, (1861), S.329-333.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Juli 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.49, (1861), S.385-388.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat August 1861 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.04 = (Jg.15 Astron. Unterh.), No.51, (1861), S.401-404.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1861.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
Januar |
"Nebensonnen wurden beobachtet zu Dresden am 6., 18., und 14.;" |
20 |
156 |
Januar |
"Sonnenhof zu Münster am 8.;" |
20 |
156 |
Januar |
"Mondhof am 19. zu Kremsmünster, am 24. zu Dresden." |
20 |
156 |
Februar |
"Nebensonnen wurden gesehen am 7. 9. 20. und 24. in Dresden, am 20. in Kremsmünster, am 23. in Münster; am 20. 25. und 26. in Dorpat." |
26 |
203 |
Februar |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet am 18. und 23. in Münster. Der an letzterem Tage Abends 8 Uhr gesehene Mondhof war licht, ungefärbt und von etwa 23° Radius. An denselben stiessen nach Aussen zu beiden Seiten ungefärbte helle Nebenmonde an. Ferner wurden Mondhöfe beobachte 19. zu Leipzig , am 21. und 22. zu München, am 22. zu Kremsmünster." |
26 |
203-204 |
März |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet in Leipzig am 25., wobei zugleich zwei Nebenmonde gesehen wurden; in Kremsmünster am 25., in Dresden am 16., 18., 22., 23., ebenso am 25. um 10h Ab., wobei sich noch zwei Nebenmonde zeigten; in Utrecht am 24." |
33 |
261 |
März |
"Nebensonnen wurden beobachtet in Dorpat am 28., in Dresden am 18. und 25., in Berlin am 23. An letzterem Orte zeigte sich 1h 34m Mittags 20° über der Sonne ein Kreisbogen von etwa 75° Centriwinkel, einem Kreise angehörend, dessen Mittelpunkt dem Horizonte sehr nahe lag. Zu beiden Seiten, vertikal unter den Enden jenes Bogens, in gleicher Höhe mit der Sonne, standen die Nebensonnen. Diese, wie der Bogen, waren nach innen roth, in der Mitte gelb, nach aussen bläulich gefärbt. Von der linken Nebensonne zog sich parallel dem Horizonte bis nach Norden ein weisser, scharf begrenzter Streif herum, welcher 1h 37m eine dritte Nebensonne darbot." |
33 |
261 |
April |
"Mondhöfe wurden gesehen in Dresden am 18., 19., 21.," |
35 |
276 |
April |
"Sonnenhöfe in Dresden am 16., 21. und 28., in Kremsmünster am 16., in München am 5." |
35 |
276 |
Mai |
"Sonnenhöfe wurden gesehen in München am 10., in Ittendorf am 1. und 29. in Utrecht am 12. und 16. in Dresden am 12., in Freiberg am 21., 24., 25., und 28." |
36 |
285 |
Mai |
"Mondhöfe wurden bemerkt in Utrecht am 16." |
36 |
285 |
Juni |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet am 15. und 19. zu München." |
42 |
332 |
Juli |
"Mondhof wurde beobachtet zu München am 24.," |
49 |
387 |
Juli |
"Sonnenhof zu München am 18. und 25.," |
49 |
387 |
Juli |
"Nebensonnen wurden beobachtet am 1. Juli Abends 7h zu Münster und zu Drotmund." |
49 |
387 |
August |
"Mondhöfe. Aug. 21. in Dresden." |
51 |
403 |
August |
"Sonnenhöfe. Aug. 30. und 31. in München, Aug. 30. in Dresden." |
51 |
403 |
⟱ |
(Wird fortgesetzt; to be continued; à suivre) |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat August 1862 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.04, (1863), S.25-29.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat September 1862 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.05, (1863), S.33-37.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat October 1862 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.09, (1863), S.65-69.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat November 1862 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.12, (1863), S.89-92.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat December 1862 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.21, (1863), S.161-164.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1862.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
⟰ |
(Wird fortgesetzt; to be continued; à suivre) |
August |
Sonnenhöfe zu München am 3. und 28.; zu Ittendorf am 27. |
04 |
28 |
August |
Nebensonnen am 30. zu Peckeloh. |
04 |
28 |
August |
Mondhof zu Berlin am 8. |
04 |
28 |
September |
"Sonnenhöfe in Dorpat am 23.; in München am 2. 20. 27. 28. 29." |
05 |
36 |
September |
"Mondhöfe in Dresden am 5.; in München am 4. 5." |
05 |
36 |
October |
"Nebensonnen in Dresden am 1." |
09 |
67 |
October |
"Mondhöfe in München am 29. 30.; in Dresden am 5.; in Krakau am 3., in Peckeloh am 2." |
09 |
67 |
November |
"Mondhöfe. Am 2. in Berlin, am 7. in München, am 8. in Utrecht, am 9. in Berlin, am 30. in Münster." |
12 |
91 |
Dezember |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet in München am 6. 30., in Krakau am 30." |
21 |
163 |
Dezember |
"Sonnenhof am 30. in München." |
21 |
163 |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Januar 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.27, (1863), S.209-214.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Februar 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.29, (1863), S.225-229.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat März 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.32, (1863), S.249-253.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat April 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.35, (1863), S.273-277.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Mai 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.37, (1863), S.289-293.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat August 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.06 = (Jg.17 Astron. Unterh.), No.47, (1863), S.369-372.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate October 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.04, (1864), S.25-29.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate November 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.11, (1864), S.81-84.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate December 1863 in Deutschland, Frankreich u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.15, (1864), S.113-117.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1863.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
Januar |
"Sonnenhof nebst Nebensonnen zu München am 20." |
27 |
212 |
Januar |
"Mondhöfe am 5. 10. zu München, 3. 4. 30. in Utrecht, 28. in Münster, 1. 3. 30. in Dresden, 26. in Ittendorf, 3. 5.
24. in Lichtenberg bei Berlin." |
27 |
212 |
Februar |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet in Dresden am 1. 3." |
29 |
227 |
Februar |
"Nebensonnen nebst Sonnenhof am 26. Ferbruar. Herr P. Secchi bemerkt: ich habe dieselben schon vorhergesehen in den
Störungen, welche die magnetischen Instrumente erlitten, die sich immer bei dieser Art von Erscheinungen offenbaren.
Der Halo hatte 22° Radius." |
29 |
227 |
März |
"Mondhöfe. a) Dresden am 3. b) Krakau am 2. und 26. c) Münster am 30. 31." |
32 |
251 |
März |
"Sonnenhöfe. München am 5. 9. 13." |
32 |
251 |
April |
"Sonnenhöfe zu Münster am 20., zu Dresden am 1. 3. 7., München am 1., zu Utrecht am 14." |
35 |
275 |
April |
"Mondhöfe zu Dresden am 1. 3. 7., zu München mit 2 Nebenmonden am 5." |
35 |
275 |
Mai |
"Sonnenhöfe am 1. in Münster, 3. in Ittendorf." |
37 |
292 |
Mai |
"Mondhöfe am 26. in Dresden." |
37 |
292 |
August |
"Mondhöfe. In München am 25., in Utrecht am 28." |
47 |
372 |
August |
"Sonnenhof. In München am 28." |
47 |
372 |
Oktober |
"Mondhöfe. In Utrecht am 22. 26. 31., in Dresden am 24." |
04 |
27 |
Oktober |
"Sonnenhof in Dresden am 22." |
04 |
27 |
November |
"Mondhöfe in München am 21. und 24., in Münster am 22. und 25." |
11 |
84 |
Dezember |
"Mondhöfe in München am 17., in Euküll am 13, 25, 26. und 27., in Leipzig am 19." |
15 |
117 |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Januar 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.16, (1864), S.121-124.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Februar 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.21, (1864), S.161-166.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate März 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.24, (1864), S.185-189.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate April 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.28, (1864), S.217-221.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Mai 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.32, (1864), S.249-252.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Juni 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.36, (1864), S.281-283.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate August 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.07 = (Jg.18 Astron. Unterh.), No.48, (1864), S.377-379.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate October 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.05, (1865), S.33-35.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate November 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.08, (1865), S.57-61.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate December 1864 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.16, (1865), S.121-124.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1864.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
Januar |
"Mondhof in Krakau am 27., in Utrecht am 14." |
16 |
123 |
Februar |
"Mondhöfe. a) München am 15. b) in Krakau am 20. c) Kremsmünster am 12. 15. d) Utrecht. Am 21. Abends 9 1/4 Uhr
zeigte sich ein Mondring und zugleich ein horizontaler Kreis, durch den Mond gehend den ganzen Himmel herum.
Ungefähr da, wo die Kreise einander durchschnitten, zeigten sich Nebenmonde und diametral gegenüber diesen, im
Horizontalkreise noch schwache Spuren von 2 anderen Nebenmonden. Ueberdies war noch ein Theil eines Kreises
sichtbar, welcher den Mondring oben berührte und das Zenith zum Mittelpunkt hatte. Das Ganze liefrte während
einige Minuten ein prachtvolles Schauspie. f) am 21. in Paris S. Wochenschr. S. 104 (Heis, Eduard: "Mondhof"),
g) Lichtenberg bei Berlin am 19. und 20." |
21 |
163 |
Februar |
"Sonnenhöfe. a) München am 15. b) Naugard am 23. Nachm. 2 schwache Nebensonnen." |
21 |
163 |
März |
"Mondhöfe. Am 17. in Krakau, am 6., 8., 9. in Euküll auf der Insel Oesell, am 16., 17. in Utrecht." |
21 |
163 |
März |
"Sonnenhöfe. Am 25. in Krakau, am 6., 8., 9. in Euküll, farbige Nebensonnen." |
21 |
163 |
April |
"Mondhöfe. a) in Leipzig am 19.; b) in Abo bildeten sich um den Mond helle Kreise und grosse Halbkreise im Norden
und Süden, einige der letzteren waren nebelig in röthliche und weissliche Strahlen auslaufend. Auf den
Durchschnittsstellen der hellen Kreise und nach norden sah man einen Nebenmond. c) In Peckeloh am 19.;
d) in Utrecht am 15. und 18." |
28 |
219 |
April |
"Nebensonnen wurden am 18. April 6h 25m Ab. in gleicher Strärke und gefärbt in Euküll auf der Insell Oesell
beobachtet. Sonnenhof im Peckeloh am 12." |
28 |
219 |
Mai |
"Mondhöfe wurden beobachtet in Cölnam 21., in Euküll in Russland am 20., in Krakau am 17." |
32 |
252 |
Mai |
"Nebensonnen in Münster am 28." |
32 |
252 |
Juni |
"Mondhof in Krakau am 18., in Euküll am 16." |
36 |
282 |
Juni |
"Nebensonne in Euküll am 26. 8h 17m Ab. inensiv in Regenbogenfarben leuchtend." |
36 |
282 |
August |
"Mondhof in Krakau am 22." |
48 |
378 |
Oktober |
"Mondhof zu Lichtenberg am 11." |
05 |
34 |
November |
"Mondhöfe zu Lichtenberg am 11. und 14., Münster am 13., Leipzig am 15., Jülich am 6." |
08 |
58 |
Dezember |
"Mondhöfe in Leipzig am 7. 10., in Krakau am 8., in Jülich am 4. und 11." |
16 |
122 |
Dezember |
"Nebensonnen in Kremsmünster am 14." |
16 |
122 |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Januar 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.23, (1865), S.177-180.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Februar 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.27, (1865), S.209-212.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate März 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.32, (1865), S.249-252.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate April 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.35, (1865), S.273-277.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Mai 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.38, (1865), S.297-300.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monate Juli 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.08 = (Jg.19 Astron. Unterh.), No.50, (1865), S.393-395.
Ellner, B.:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat August 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.10, (1866), S.73-79.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat November 1865 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.19, (1866), S.145-147, 148.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1865.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
Januar |
Mondhöfe. In Münster am 8. 9, in Jülich am 4., in Lichtenberg bei Berlin am 31. |
23 |
180 |
Januar |
Sonnenhof. Am 30. in Münster. |
23 |
180 |
Januar |
Nebensonnen am 14. zwischen 2 und 3 Nachm. in Kronstadt bei stiller Luft und einer Kälte von 14-16 R. |
23 |
180 |
Februar |
"Sonnenhöfe a) Münster. Prachtvolle Sonnenhöfe nebst Nebensonnen am 13. b) Leipzig Sonnenhof nebst Nebensonnen" |
27 |
212 |
Februar |
"Mondhöfe a) Münster. Prachtvolle Mondhöfe und Nebenmonde am 13. b) Krakau am 7. c) Kremsmünster am 7, Leipzig am 7." |
27 |
212 |
März |
"Mondhof am 3. und 4. in Münster, am 5. in Kremsmünster." |
32 |
250 |
April |
"Mondhöfe. Am 1. in Kremsmünster, 5. in Krakau, am 10. in Münster und Jülich." |
35 |
276 |
April |
"Sonnenhof am 25. in Leipzig." |
35 |
276 |
April |
"Nebensonne am 10. in Münster." |
35 |
276 |
Mai |
"Nebensonnen. Am 2. und 5. in Leipzig, am 18. in Euküll auf der Insel Oesell." |
38 |
298 |
Mai |
"Nebenmonde am 13. in Leipzig." |
38 |
298 |
Mai |
"Mondhöfe. Am 2. in Leipzig, 4. in Münster, 5. 13. in Leipzig." |
38 |
298 |
Juli |
"Nebensonne zu Münster, am 8. Abends 7 1/2 Uhr." |
50 |
394 |
August |
"Mondhof in Euküll am 8. August" |
10 |
74 |
August |
"Nebensonne farbige in Euküll am 31. zwischen 6 u. 7 Uhr." |
10 |
74 |
November |
"Mondhöfe am 1. und 2. in Münster, am 28. in Euküll." |
19 |
146 |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Januar 1866 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.24, (1866), S.185-189.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Februar 1866 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.27, (1866), S.209-214.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat März 1866 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.31, (1866), S.241-246.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat April 1866 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.34, (1866), S.265-270.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Juni 1866 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.42 (1866), S.329-336.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Juli 1866 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.09 = (Jg.20 Astron. Unterh.), No.44 (1866), S.345-348, 349.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1866.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
Januar |
"Mondhöfe am 28., 29. und 30. in Münster." |
24 |
187 |
Februar |
"Mondhof am 24. in Krakau." |
27 |
212 |
März |
"Mondhöfe am 1. in Münster, Kremsmünster, Krakau. 22. 23. 25. in Arensburg auf der Insel Oesell, 24. in Kremsmünster. In der Mondhellen Nacht vom 29. März n. St. wurde um 10 h Ab. in Woronesh ein eigenthümliches Lichtphänomen ..." |
31 |
245 |
März |
"Sonnenhof am 24. in Kremsmünster." |
31 |
245 |
April |
"Mondhöfe am 26. in Freiberg, am 28. in Freiberg und Münster, am 28. Mondhof und Nebenmone in Klausenburg von 9 h-11 h Ab., am 27. Mondhof in Krakau." |
34 |
268 |
April |
"Sonnenhöfe und Nebensonnen am 11. in Kremsmünster, am 24. Sonnenhof nebst Nebensonnen in Norrköping, am 25. Nebensonnen in Rehefeld (Sachsen), 27. Sonnehof und Nebensonnen in Meissen, Nebensonne in Wermsdorf." |
34 |
268 |
Juni |
"Sonnenhof am 20. Mittags mit grellen Regenbogenfarben in Böff bei St Louis." |
42 |
332 |
Juni |
"Nebensonnen, (zwei farbige) am 9. 6 1/2 h Machm. in Arensburg auf der Insel Oesell." |
42 |
332 |
Juli |
"Mondhof, am 22. in Leipzig." |
44 |
348 |
⟱ |
(Wird fortgesetzt; to be continued; à suivre) |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat December 1867 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.11 = (Jg.22 Astron. Unterh.), No.18, (1868), S.137-142.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1867.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
⟰ |
(Wird fortgesetzt; to be continued; à suivre) |
December |
"Nebensonne. Eine farbige Nebensonne links von der Sonne wurde am 5. 3 1/2 Uhr Nachmittags in Münster wahrgenommen." |
18 |
141 |
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Januar 1868 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.11 = (Jg.22 Astron. Unterh.), No.25, (1868), S.193-198.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat Februar 1868 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.11 = (Jg.22 Astron. Unterh.), No.27, (1868), S.209-214.
Heis, Eduard:
"Die Witterunsverhältnisse im Monat April 1868 in Deutschland u. s. w.",
Wochenschrift für Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geographie:
ZDB-ID:516616-0, Halle, S.,
Neue Folge, Jg.11 = (Jg.22 Astron. Unterh.), No.37, (1868), S.289-294.•
Halobeobachtungen in Europa, 1868.
Monat |
Zitat |
No. |
Seite |
Januar |
"Nebensonne und Nebenmonde wurden am 14. in Münster beobachtet." |
25 |
196 |
Februar |
"Mondhof. Am 27. in Krakau, am 1. in Kremsmünster." |
27 |
212 |
April |
"Mondhof am 3. in Krakau." |
37 |
293 |
⟱ |
(Wird fortgesetzt; to be continued; à suivre) |
Coffin, J.H.:
"Observations relative to three Storms in the year 1859", p.233-538, in:
Results of Meteorological Observations, made under the direction of the United States Patent Office and Smithsonian Institution
from the 1854 to 1859, inclusive, being a report of the Commissioner of Patents made at the first session of the Thirty-sixth Congress."
ZDB-ID:1024934-5, Washington, DC,
Vol.2, Part 1, (1864), 538 pages.•
Storm No. 1, March 1859", p.235-330.
Month |
Day |
Place |
quotation |
Page |
März |
17. |
Toronto |
"17th. Lunar halo, 3 to 4 a.m. solar halo, 9 to 10 a.m.; both well defined." |
237 |
März |
14. |
Cornish, Maine* |
"14th. Lunar halo from 8 to 10 p.m." |
238 |
März |
17. |
Cornish, Maine* |
"I7th. Solar halo from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m." |
238 |
März |
14. |
Cornish, Maine† |
"14th. Solar halo at night; lunar halo In the evening." |
238 |
März |
17. |
Cornish, Maine† |
"17th. Hazy; solar halo most of the day" |
238 |
März |
14. |
Steuben, Maine |
"14th. Lunar halo." |
240 |
März |
14. |
Houseville, New York |
"14th. Hoar frost at 3 a.m.; solar halo at 10 a.m." |
240 |
März |
17. |
Houseville, New York |
"17th. Solar halo in the morning from 7 a.m. until noon." |
253 |
März |
17. |
West Day, New York |
"17th. Solar halo at 10 a.m." |
253 |
März |
16. |
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania |
"16th. Aurora at 10 p. m.; ... at the same time a lunar halo was visible." |
261 |
März |
16. |
Morrisville, Pennsylvania |
"16th. Solar halo." |
263 |
März |
16. |
Crichton's Store, Virginia |
"16th. A much larger halo around the moon than usual. No stars in the circle." |
271 |
März |
16. |
Portsmouth, Virginia |
"16th. Lunar halo." |
274 |
März |
16. |
Stribling Springs, Virginia |
"16th. Large halo, very distinct at 6 1/2 p.m." |
276 |
März |
16. |
Murfreesborough, North Carolina |
"16th. Slight frost; lunar halo, very distinct at 10 p.m." |
278 |
März |
16. |
All Saints, South Carolina |
"16th. Fine day; at night a lange halo around the moon." |
278 |
März |
16. |
Zebulon, Georgia |
"16th. Light frost; small lunar halo." |
283 |
März |
19. |
Lake Citty, Florida |
"19th. Light frost; lunar halo at night." |
284 |
März |
16. |
Salt Ponds, Florida |
"16th. Circle round the sun." |
285 |
März |
15. |
Greene Springs, Alabama |
"15th. Beautiful lunar halo, radius about 15°." |
286 |
März |
19. |
Greene Springs, Alabama |
"19th. Lunar halo, radius about 20°." |
286 |
März |
15. |
Selma, Alabama |
"15th. Large and beautiful circle around the moon, 8 to 9 1/2 p.m." |
287 |
März |
14. |
Natchez, Mississippi |
"14th. Large halo around the moon." |
288 |
März |
14. |
Black River, Louisiana |
"14th. Lunar halo at night, large and distinct." |
289 |
März |
15. |
Larissa, Texas |
"15th. Large Lunar halo." |
290 |
März |
15. |
Sisterdale, Texas |
"15th. Lunar halo." |
291 |
März |
15. |
Union Hill, Texas |
"15th. Very large lunar halo." |
291 |
März |
15. |
New Braunfels, Texas |
"15th. Lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
292 |
März |
13. |
Bardstown, Kentucky |
"13th. Ring around the moon at 8 1/2 p.m." |
294 |
März |
13. |
Louisville, Kentucky |
"13th. Lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
294 |
März |
16. |
Louisville, Kentucky |
"16th. Light frost; distant halo at 3 p.m.; lunar halo at 7 1/2 p.m." |
294 |
März |
13. |
Paris, Kentucky |
"13th. Lunar halo; ... ." |
295 |
März |
16. |
Paris, Kentucky |
"16th. Morning clear; p.m. cloudy; night hazy; lunar halo." |
295 |
März |
16. |
Bellefontaine, Ohio |
"16th. Halo round the moon at 9 p.m." |
296 |
März |
16. |
Cleveland, Ohio |
"16th. Large lunar halo in the evening." |
296 |
März |
16. |
College Hill, Ohio |
"16th. Halo around the moon." |
298 |
März |
13. |
Portsmouth, Ohio |
"13th. Lunar halo 40° in diameter; rain in the night." |
301 |
März |
16. |
Portsmouth, Ohio |
"16th. Lunar halo 45° in diameter." |
301 |
März |
13. |
Tryo, Ohio |
"13th. Lunar halo." |
301 |
März |
16. |
Savannah, Ohio |
"16th. Lunar halo, indications of rain." |
301 |
März |
16. |
Urbana, Ohio |
"16th. Halo round the moon." |
302 |
März |
16. |
Westerville, Ohio |
"16th. ... very light cirrus floating in riffles from W. to E.; halo round the moon about 25° in diameter." |
302 |
März |
16. |
Grand Rapids, Michigan |
"16th. Lunar halo." |
304 |
März |
17. |
Grand Rapids, Michigan |
"17th. Fine day; solar halo." |
304 |
März |
16. |
Port Huron, Michigan |
"16th. Lunar halo all the evening." |
306 |
März |
17. |
Ypsilanti, Michigan |
"17th. Slight solar halo most of the day." |
306 |
März |
16. |
Aurora, Illinois |
"16th. Halo at night." |
310 |
März |
16. |
Batavia, Illinois |
"16th. Mock moon at 9 p.m." |
310 |
März |
16. |
Manchester, Illinois |
"16th. Snow and rain; halo about the moon." |
312 |
März |
19. |
Manchester, Illinois |
"19th. Halo about the moon." |
312 |
März |
16. |
Ottawa, Illinois |
"16th. Large lunar halo in the evening." |
312 |
März |
16. |
Riley, Illinois |
"16th. ...; 9 p.m. large circle round the moon till 10 1/2 p.m." |
313 |
März |
16. |
Sandwich, Illinois |
"16th. Lunar halo." |
314 |
März |
16. |
Wheaton, Illinois |
"16th. Lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
315 |
März |
16. |
Winnebago, Illinois |
"16th. Solar halo at 2 p.m.; lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
315 |
März |
16. |
Manitowoc, Wisconsin |
"16th. Lunar halo in the evening." |
318 |
März |
16. |
Rossville, Iowa |
"16th. Very dull; halo at 11 a.m." |
323 |
März |
17. |
Beaver Bay, Minnessota |
"17th. ...; solar halo of the ordinary size; 45°; and colors accompanied with an arc; ...", (grösserer Bericht) |
324 |
März |
16. |
Minatitlan, Mexico |
"16th. ... after 9 p.m. there was a distinct white circle round the moon, about 45° in diameter; ... |
330 |
Storm Nos. 2 and 3, September, 1859", p.331-583.
Month |
Day |
Place |
quotation |
Page |
September |
19. |
Fort Simpson, Hudson Bay Territory, British America |
"19th. Well-defined arch in zenith, and broken arch in NE. at 9 p.m. colors yellow and various shades active." |
331 |
September |
16. |
Cornish, Maine |
"16th. ...; hazy; solar halo most of the p.m." |
337 |
September |
20. |
Cornish, Maine |
"20th. Hazy a.m.; solar halo at 11 a.m." |
337 |
September |
16. |
Cornishville, Maine |
"16th. Solar halo from 1 to 4 p.m." |
337 |
September |
15. |
Florida, Massachusetts |
"15th. Windy nad could; avery large halo at 9 p.m." |
354 |
September |
14. |
Saybrook, Connecticut |
"14th. Large Lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
362 |
September |
14. |
New York Citty, New York |
"14th. Parhelion at sunset; about 45° N. of the sun; ...; lunar halo from 8.20 to 11 p.m., and very large; ..." |
375 |
September |
16. |
Germantown, Pennsylvania |
"16th. Light rain at 6 1/2 p.m.; halos at 8 1/2 p.m." |
389 |
September |
14. |
Mount Joy, Pennsylvania |
"14th. Large halo in the evening." |
393 |
September |
14. |
Nazareth, Pennsylvania |
"14th. Lunar halo in the East at 10 p.m.; diameter about 45°." |
393 |
September |
14. |
Pocopson, Pennsylvania |
"14th. Lunar halo at 9 1/2 p.m." |
396 |
September |
19. |
Chapel Hill, North Carolina |
"19th. Colored halo at 7 1/2 p.m.; colors bright ...; and about arc of 60°. " |
411 |
September |
20. |
Savannah, Georgia |
"20th. In kind of cirrus clouds a signifies curled cirrus; ...; ,thin cir. st. with halos, circles, ..." |
419 |
September |
14. |
Bethel, Ohio |
"14th. Dim halo at 9 p.m.; slight frost." |
451 |
September |
16. |
Hillsborough, Ohio |
"16th. Halo at 10 p.m." |
457 |
September |
17. |
Hillsborough, Ohio |
"17th. Halo at 11 p.m." |
457 |
September |
14. |
Savannah, Ohio |
"14th. Solar halo." |
465 |
September |
14. |
Grand Rapids, Michigan |
"14th. Frost; windy; Solar halo." |
471 |
September |
15. |
Lake George, Michigan |
"15th. Frost; two circles in the firmament at 7 p.m." |
472 |
September |
14. |
Sandwich, Illenois |
"14th. Lunar halo." |
495 |
September |
16. |
Sandwich, Illenois |
"16th. Mock sun at 6.30 p.m.; ..." |
495 |
September |
14. |
Winnebago, Illenois |
"14th. Solar halo at 11 a.m." |
499 |
September |
17. |
Winnebago, Illenois |
"17th. Solar halo at 11 a.m.; ...; lunar halo at 10 p.m." |
499 |
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at four Stations for the first two Months of 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.04, (1866), p.50-51.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at six Stations for March 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.05, (1866), p.66-67.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at seven Stations for April 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.06, (1866), p.92.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at eight Stations for May 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.07, (1866), p.100.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at nine Stations for June 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.08, (1866), p.127-128.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at seven Stations for July 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.09, (1866), p.139-140.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at seven Stations for August 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.10, (1866), p.159-160.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at eight Stations for September 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.11, (1866), p.170-171.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"III. Papers on Meteorology, etc. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at nine Stations for October 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.19, No.12, (1866), p.184-185.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at nine Stations for November 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.01, (1867), p.10-11.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"IV. Papers on Meteorology, etc. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at nine Stations for December 1866",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.02, (1867), p.39-40.
Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns, of the daily obsevations at four, six, seven, eight, nine
Grammar School Stations for 1866.
month |
place |
observer |
quotation |
page |
January |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"1st, indistinct solar halo at 8.20 a.m." |
50 |
March |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"17th, Parhelia visible at 5.50 p.m., also, on 25th, from 5.40 p.m. to 6.10 p.m.; ..." |
66 |
March |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"30th, lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
66 |
April |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"18th, 7 a.m., imperfect solar halo. ... On 25th, at 3.30 p.m. large solar halo, edges slightly coloured; at 9
p.m. lunar halo. 30th, 10 p.m. large lunar halo." |
92 |
May |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"On 31th, a beautiful mock moon observed. The moon was about 8° high, and the mock moon some 14° north of it." |
100 |
June |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"19th, indistinct lunar halo." |
127 |
June |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"22nd, indistinct lunar halo at 9 30 p.m." |
128 |
July |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"Solar halo on 19th, 20th and 31st." |
140 |
August |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"26th (Sunday), halo round sun." |
159 |
September |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"3rd, halo round sun; auroral twilight. ... 15th, ...; halo round moon. ... 26th, halo round moon." |
170 |
October |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"23rd, large and distinctly defined halo at 9 p.m. 25th, lunar halo." |
184 |
October |
Windsor |
A. McSween |
"23rd, prismatic lunar halo at 8 p.m." |
185 |
November |
Barrie |
W.F. Checkley |
"21st, halo round moon, very large and distinct." |
10 |
November |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"21st, Lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
11 |
November |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"18th, indistinct lunar halo at 8 p.m. 21st, large lunar halo from 6.30 p.m." |
11 |
November |
Windsor |
A. McSween |
"20th, pricmatic halo round moon at 10 p.m." |
11 |
December |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"15th, halo round moon. 21st, partial halo round sun." |
40 |
December |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"On 5th, solar halo at 1. p.m." |
40 |
Marling, A.:
Sessional papers No.2: Annual Report of the Chief Superintendent of Education, for the year 1867,
Part II, Statistical report 1867, Table K: Meteorological Observations 1867 (p.124-139), p.67-175, in:
"Sessional Papers: Second session of the first Parliament of the Province Ontario",
Hunter, Rose and Co., Toronto,
Vol.1, Part 1-3, (1868-9), 676 pages.
"Introduction: Table K. - Meteorological Observations, p.12-13,
"Table K. - Meteorological Observations at the Senior County Grammar Schools", p.124-139, in:
"Annual Report of the Normal, Model, Grammar and Common Schools in Ontario for the year 1867
with appendices by the Chief Superintendent of Education",
Hunter, Rose and Co., Toronto,
Part 1-3, (1868), 352 pages.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"III. Papers on Meteorology, etc. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at nine Stations for January 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.03, (1867), p.53-54.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"V. Papers on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Stations for February 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.04, (1867), p.69-70.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"IV. Papers on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Stations for March 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.05, (1867), p.88-89.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"VI. Papers on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Stations for April 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.06, (1867), p.109-110.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"V. Papers on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Stations for May 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.07, (1867), p.121-122.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"III. Papers on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at nine Stations for June 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.08, (1867), p.136-137.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"II. Papers on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Stations for July 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.09, (1867), p.153-154.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Stations for October 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.20, No.12, (1867), p.201-202.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations
at ten Grammar School Stations for November 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.01, (1868), p. 12-13.
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"VII. Paper on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for December 1867",
The Journal of Education for upper Canada,
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.02, (1868), p. 25-26.•
Part II, Statistical report 1867, Table K: Meteorological Observations 1867 (p.124-139), p.67-175.
month |
place |
observer |
quotation |
page |
January |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On 29th, at 4.30 p.m. parhelia visible; ..." |
#54 |
February |
Goderich |
John Haldan, Jr. |
"On the 4th, a rainbow extending 25° E to W. Halo round the sun till about noon." |
127 #69 |
February |
Windsor |
A. McSween |
#"17th, double lunar halo", "... 18th, lunar halo." |
128 #70 |
March |
Cornwall |
W. Taylor Briggs |
"... Storm of wind on 18th; very clearly defined lunar halo on same evening." |
128 #88 |
March |
Goderich |
John Haldan, Jr. |
"... 15th, lunar halo 9.30 p.m. ... 28th solar halo 1.30 p.m." |
128 #88 |
March |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"On the 1st , dim halo round sun. ... 23rd , halo round sun, imperfect, only half circumference towards NW." |
129 #89 |
March |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"... 19th, large halo round moon, and very remarkable strati, moulded no doubt by the upper current.
20th, large lunar halo exactly similar to that of preceding night." |
129 #89 |
March |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"... 15th, lunar halo. 16th at 1 p.m., large solar halo; ... 19th, at 9 p.m., imperfect lunar halo. 20th, lunar
halo." |
129 #89 |
March |
Windsor |
A. McSween |
"... 15th, bright and large lunar halo. 19th, lunar halo at 8.30 p.m., wich disappeared at 9 p.m.; ..." |
129 #89 |
April |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"... 18th, wide halo round moon. 29th, halo round sun, imperfect towards SE." |
130 #110 |
April |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"On the 18th, peculiarly beautiful and large halo round moon observed, from 11 till 12 p.m." |
130 #110 |
April |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"... 9th, large lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
130 #110 |
May |
Goderich |
John Haldan, Jr. |
"... 14th, lunar halo at 8 p.m. 16th, solar halo." |
131 #122 |
May |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"... On 16th, parhelion observed on the end of a stratus over NWH at 6 p.m., ..." |
131 #122 |
May |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"... 4th, magnificent solar halo from before 12 till nearly 1 p.m., blue and brown-red circles about 40° in diameter;
... 13th, thunder and lightning; ordinary lunar halo." |
131 #122 |
May |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"... 9th, large lunar halo. 12th, arc of colored solar halo. 18th at 10.30 p.m. large lunar halo." |
131 #122 |
June |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"13th, lightning at 8.30 p.m.; imperfect lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
#137 |
July |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"On the 10th, halo round sun at 1.30 p.m." |
133 #154 |
October |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On the 2nd, lightning, thunder and rain; at 9 p.m. large lunar halo." |
136 #202 |
November |
Windsor |
A. McSween |
"... 6th, lunar halo about 8 p.m. ... 13th, prismatic lunar halo." |
137 #13 |
December |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"... 5th, lunar halo, 30° diameter. 11th solar halo, diameter 40° in afternoon." |
139 #26 |
December |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"... 10th, large lunar halo at 9 p.m." |
139 #26 |
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"VI. Paper on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for January 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.03, (1868), p.41-42.
"VII. Paper on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for February 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.04, (1868), p.62-63.
"VI. Paper on Meteorology. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns
of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for March 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.05, (1868), p.77-78.
"2. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for April 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.06, (1868), p.89-90.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for May 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.07, (1868), p.105-106.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for June 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.08, (1868), p.120-121.
"III. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for August 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.10, (1868), p.152-153.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for September 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.11, (1868), p.172-173.
"V. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for October 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.21, No.12, (1868), p.184-185.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for November 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.01, (1869), p.12-13.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for December 1868",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.02, (1869), p.26-27.•
Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns, of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for 1868.
month |
place |
observer |
quotation |
page |
January |
Goderich |
John Haldan, Jr. |
"5th, halo round moon." |
41 |
February |
Goderich |
John Halden, Jr. |
"On 1st, halo round moon." |
63 |
February |
Pembroke |
J.W. Counor |
"Halo round sun at 1 p.m. 21st." |
63 |
February |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"On 3rd, very wide halo round sun at 2.35 p.m. 8th and 10th, halo round moon." |
63 |
February |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"On 3rd, lunar halo 25° diameter in evening, and wind storm at night." |
63 |
February |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On 7th, at 6.30 p.m., large lunar halo. 20th, at 11 a.m., large solar halo." |
63 |
March |
Goderich |
John Halden, Jr. |
"8th crows seen; lunar halo." |
77 |
March |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"On 2nd, wide halo round sun. 3rd, large indistinct lunar halo." |
78 |
March |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"Solar prismatic halo on 5th, diameter 30°; 25th, 50°; 26th, 60°." |
78 |
March |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"10th, large halo at 11 p.m." |
78 |
April |
Pembroke |
J.W. Counor |
"6th, Large lunar halo." |
90 |
April |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"6th, wide and not very distinct halo round sun. ... 24th, slight halo close to sun. 25th, wide indistinct halo round
sun." |
90 |
April |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"On 9th, solar halo, 45° diameter, at 2 p.m. 12th, solar halo, 50° diameter. 19th, solar halo, 45° diameter." |
90 |
April |
Windsor |
A. McSween |
"On 6th, lunar halo." |
90 |
May |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"12th, large solar halo, diameter about 25°." |
106 |
May |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"5th, wide indistinct halo round sun at 7 a.m.; ... 7th, wide indistinct solar halo at 7 a.m." |
106 |
May |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"On 4th, lunar halo 45° diameter. ... 12th, solar halo in afternoon 60° diameter." |
106 |
May |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On 6th, large lunar halo at 8 p.m. On 12th, at 6 p.m., imperfect solar halo." |
106 |
May |
Pembroke |
J.W. Counor |
"On 1st, lunar halo." |
106 |
June |
Goderich |
John Haldan, Jr. |
"30th, lunar halo." |
120 |
June |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"11th, prismatic solar halo at noon, 60° diameter." |
121 |
August |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"15th, solar halo at 1 p.m., 60° diameter." |
153 |
September |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"Lunar halo on 26th." |
173 |
September |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"23rd, large faint lunar halo." |
173 |
October |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"15th, (actral)? halo." |
184-185 |
October |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
"Lunar halo on 23rd, 45°, and 26th, 60°." |
185 |
November |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
On 3rd, lunar halo of no great brilliancy. |
12 |
November |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
24th, a large circle appeared round the moon, the storm began the day following it. |
13 |
November |
Simcoe |
J.G. Mulholland |
On 24th, lunar halo at 8 p.m., on 24th 45° diameter. |
13 |
November |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
On 3rd, at 8 p.m., large lunar halo. |
13 |
November |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
On 3rd, large lunar halo. ... 21st large but faint lunar halo. |
13 |
December |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
28th, lunar halo. |
26 |
December |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
25th, double halo round moon, witch was partly obscured by cirro-cumuli, the inner ring being gray,
tinged with red, the outer of rather a greenish hue. |
27 |
December |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
10th, at 4 p.m., parhelia visible, ... |
27 |
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"VI. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for January 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.03, (1869), p.40-41.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for February 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.04, (1869), p.60-61.
"VIII. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for March 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.05, (1869), p.78-79.
"V. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for April 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.06, (1869), p.89-90.
"VIII. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for May 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.07, (1869), p.106-107.
"III. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for July 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.09, (1869), p.142-143.
"V. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for August 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.10, (1869), p.156-157.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for September 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.11, (1869), p.171-172.
"V. Monthly Report on Meteorology in the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for October 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.22, No.12, (1869), p.187-188.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for November 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.01, (1870), p.9-10.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for December 1869",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.02, (1870), p.27-28.•
Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns, of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for 1869.
month |
place |
observer |
quotation |
page |
January |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"28th, brillian lunar halo." |
40 |
January |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"On 28th, large lunar halo." |
40 |
January |
Hamilton |
A.Macallum |
"28th, lunar haloearly in evening, disappeared about 10 P.M.." |
41 |
January |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"On 20th, large lunar halo." |
41 |
January |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"28th, large lunar halo, 7.30 P.M." |
41 |
January |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"On 3rd, ...; lunar halo. 16th, lunar halo. 25th, large and distinct lunar halo, and again on 26th. 28th, large lunar halo." |
41 |
February |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"18th, large lunar halo." |
60 |
February |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"19th, large lunar halo." |
61 |
February |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"22nd, lunar halo at 9 P.M. 24th, ...; solar halo at 1 P.M." |
61 |
February |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"22nd, large lunar halo at 7.30 P.M." |
61 |
February |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"16th, large lunar halo. 20th, lunar halo." |
61 |
March |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"23rd, large lunar halo." |
78 |
March |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"23rd, large halo round moon." |
78 |
March |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"Lunar halo, 18th, 22nd." |
79 |
March |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"Parhelion thin narrow strati north and south of sun, at 7.51 A.M.; very faint prismatic colors lasted for a
considerable time. 16th, small solar halo at 1 P.M. 17th, large solar halo at 1 P.M.; ... 22nd, well defined
solar halo at 1 P.M." |
79 |
March |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On 20th, large lunar halo at 10 P.M. 24th, small colored lunar halo at 9 P.M." |
79 |
March |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"18th, very large lunar halo. 20th, very large lunar halo. 21st, very large and distinct lunar halo. 24th, lunar
halo." |
79 |
April |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"15th, lunar halo. 17th, ...; lunar halo. 19st, lunar halo. 24th, lunar halo." |
90 |
May |
Stratford |
C.J. Mecgregor |
"On 3rd, large solar halo, 12 noon. 20th, faint lunar halo at 9 P.M." |
107 |
May |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"19th, lunar halo. 21st, large lunar halo. 24th, large faint lunar halo; ... 25th, lunar halo." |
107 |
July |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"14th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 24th, lunar halo." |
143 |
August |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"13th, lunar halo, also 14th, and 15th, 17th, very large lunar halo. 24th, lunar halo; ... 26th, lunar halo." |
157 |
September |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"Lunar halos on 17th and 21st." |
171 |
September |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"14th, lunar halo, also 15th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th." |
172 |
Oktober |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th (large), 20th." |
172 |
November |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"18th, faint lunar halo." |
9 |
November |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"On 18th, lunar halo." |
10 |
November |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"16th, part of wide halo at NEZ." |
10 |
November |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"15th and 23rd, lunar halo." |
10 |
December |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"On the 29th, halo round moon." |
28 |
December |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"9th, wide and distinct halo round moon at 8 P.M.." |
28 |
December |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo on 8th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 22nd." |
28 |
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"II. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for January 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.03, (1870), p.43-44.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for February 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.04, (1870), p.62-63.
"I. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for March 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.05, (1870), p.75-76.
"I. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for April 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.06, (1870), p.85-86.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for May 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.07, (1870), p.108-109.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for June 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.08, (1870), p.127-128.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for July 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.09, (1870), p.143-144.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for August 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.10, (1870), p.151-152.
"II. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for September 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.11, (1870), p.166-167.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for October 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.23, No.12, (1870), p.187-188.
"III. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for November 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.01, (1871), p.9-10.
"I. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for December 1870",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.02, (1871), p.24-25.•
Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns, of the daily obsevations at ten Grammar School Stations for 1870.
month |
place |
observer |
quotation |
page |
January |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"20th, at 6 A.M., halo round moon." |
44 |
January |
Pembroke |
J. W. Connor |
"On 8th, lunar halo, and on 9th. 14th solar halo, lunar halo, and halo round Venus." |
44 |
January |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"14th, halo round sun all forenoon." |
44 |
January |
Simcoe |
James J. Wadsworth |
"21st, lunar halo. 28th, solar halo, 30° diameter." |
44 |
January |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 5th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th." |
44 |
February |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"On the 16th, large lunar halo." |
62 |
February |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"5th, narrow halo round sun at 1 P.M. 12th large distinct lunar halo." |
62 |
February |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"On 4th, small lunar halo at 6.30 P.M. 7th, large lunar halo at 9 P.M. ... 16th, large lunar halo at 8-9 P.M." |
62 |
February |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On 16th, large lunar halo at 9 P.M." |
62 |
February |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"22nd, large lunar halo at 7.30 P.M." |
62 |
February |
Simcoe |
James J. Wadsworth |
"On 2nd, lunar halo in evening." |
63 |
February |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo on 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th." |
63 |
March |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"Solar halo on 11th, 12th and 13th, remarkable for its completences and brilliancy: a complete circle of 22° surrounded the
sun, which stood on the circuference of another complete circle of about 60° diameter; portions of an arc of 46° were seen
concentric with the circle of 22°, and atngent arc of 46° concave towards the sun, extended about 30° in both directions from
the upper edge of the same circle; parhelia or mock suns, of great brilliancy appeared on the circumference of the arc of 60°,
at distance of about 12° from the sun. Lunar halo on 12th." |
75 |
March |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"10th, large distinct lunar halo. 19th, ...; large distinct solar halo at 2 P.M." |
76 |
March |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"On the 10th, large lunar halo at 8 P.M." |
76 |
March |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On the 10th, large lunar halo. ... 19th, large solar circle." |
76 |
March |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"14th, solar halo, in which the colors of the rainbow were visible at 11 A.M.." |
76 |
March |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"On 8th, lunar halo; ... Lunar halo, 9th, 11th, 14th." |
76 |
April |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"On 1st and 2nd, solar halo." |
85 |
April |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"12th halo round sunset and round moon after. 13th, hazy; faint lunar halo. ... 26th, solar halo." |
85 |
April |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"4th, at noon, large solar circle. 9th, lunar halo at 9 P.M." |
86 |
April |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"9th, ...; solar halo; lunar halo. 10th, solar halo." |
86 |
April |
Simcoe |
James J. Wadsworth |
"On 9th, lunar halo. 11th and 13th solar halo." |
86 |
April |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo on 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th." |
86 |
May |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"17th, cricket; solar halo." |
108 |
May |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"9th, lunar halo." |
108 |
May |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"Lunar halo 6th and 12th." |
108 |
May |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo on 6th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th 20th." |
109 |
June |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"7th, dim halo round sun, and at night round moon. ... 20th, all forenoon small and clearly defined halo round sun." |
127 |
June |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th." |
128 |
July |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"On 1st, halo round sun all forenoon." |
143 |
July |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"On 3rd, ...; lunar halo. 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, lnuar halo" |
144 |
August |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th." |
152 |
September |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"9th, large lunar halo." |
166 |
September |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"On 5th, large lunar halo at 9 P.M." |
167 |
September |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th." |
167 |
Oktober |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"29th, halo round moon in evening; ..." |
188 |
Oktober |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo on 3rd, 6th, 11th, 12th." |
188 |
November |
Pembroke |
James Smith |
"7th and 30th, lunar halo." |
9 |
November |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"On 7th, large lunar halo. 9th, halo." |
9 |
November |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"7th and 10th, lunar halo at 9 P.M." |
9 |
November |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"4th, 10th, 29th, large lunar circle. 30th, indistinct lunar circle." |
10 |
November |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"10th, lunar halo. 11th, solar halo in forenoon." |
10 |
November |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, lunar halo." |
10 |
December |
Barrie |
H. B. Spotton |
"On 6th, large lunar halo." |
24 |
December |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"On 6th, at 9 P.M., large lunar halo." |
24 |
December |
Stratford |
C.J. Macgregor |
"On 6th, at 8 P.M., large lunar circle." |
25 |
December |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
Lunar halo on 1st, 3rd, 10th, 28th, 29th, 31st. |
25 |
Ryerson, Egerton; Hodgins, J. George:
"I. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for January 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.03, (1871), p.45-46.
"VII. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for February 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.04, (1871), p.60-61.
"I. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for March 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.06, (1871), p.95-96.
"I. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for April 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.07, (1871), p.109-110.
"I. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for May 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.08, (1871), p.125-126.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for June 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.09, (1871), p.141-142.
"Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for July 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.10, (1871), p.157-158.
"II. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for August 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.11, (1871), p.164-165.
"IV. Monthly Report on Meteorology of the Province of Ontario. Abstract of Monthly Meteorological Results,
compiled from the Returns of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for September 1871",
The Journal of Education upper Canada
eZDB-ID:2589779-2, Toronto,
OCLC-Nr.:9871641, eOCLC-Nr.:938168980,
Vol.24, No.12, (1871), p.185-186.
Monthly Meteorological Results, compiled from the Returns, of the daily obsevations at ten High School Stations for 1871.
month |
place |
observer |
quotation |
page |
January |
Pembroke |
James Smith |
"On 25th, lunar halo. 26th solar halo and mock suns." |
45 |
January |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"On 7th, lunar halo." |
46 |
January |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo on 1st, 6th, 27th, 28th." |
46 |
February |
Pembroke |
James Smith |
"On 6th, lunar halo." |
60 |
February |
Barrie |
H.B. Spooton |
"6th, lunar halo." |
60 |
February |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"On 6th, wide distinct halo round moon. 7th, well defined solar halo at 1 P.M., inside of arch of a dull reddish tint. 15th, large solar halo; ..." |
60 |
February |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"On 4th, 6th and 25th, large lunar halo at 9 P.M." |
61 |
February |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"On 1st, 2nd and 3rd, lunar halo." |
61 |
March |
Pembroke |
James Smith |
"On 6th and 7th, solar halo." |
96 |
March |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"29th, lunar halo." |
96 |
March |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"4th, large and well defined solar halo. 7th, ...; wide and distinct solar halo. 14th, partial halo round sun at 1 P.M." |
96 |
March |
Goderich |
James Preston |
"Lunar halo, 1st, 25th, 29th." |
95 |
March |
Hamilton |
A. Macallum |
"4th, at 5.15 P.M., parhelia on east side of sun." |
95 |
March |
Simcoe |
James J. Wadsworth |
"A very beautiful phenomenon was observed at this station at 7 P.M. on 4th; a halo of white light, about 30° diameter, encircled the moon, the upper or western
part of it being beautifully colored, while a number of colored arcs stretched N and S from its outer circumference like the streamers of an aurora. Another large
halo of white light encircled the whole heavens, its centre being the zenith, and its circumference passing through the moon's centre. The moon was about 45°
above the horizon, and the large halo was therefore elevated the same height above the horizon, and was like a brilliant comet over the head of the observer." |
95 |
March |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"On 4th, 8th, 31st, lunar halo." |
95 |
April |
Pembroke |
James Smith |
"24th, solar halo." |
109 |
April |
Peterborogh |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"24th, large, distinct and very wide lunar halo at 9 P.M. 26th, lunar halo at 8.40, wide but distinct." |
110 |
April |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 24th, 29th." |
110 |
May |
Pembroke |
J.W. Connor |
"Solar halo, 9th and 27th." |
125 |
May |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"Large wide lunar halo at 9 P.M. on 2nd. Narrow solar halo on 16th." |
126 |
June |
Pembroke |
James Smith |
"On 17th, solar halo." |
141 |
June |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"Narrow halo round sun at 1 P.M. 27th; also, wide lunar halo same night." |
141 |
June |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 2nd and 30th." |
144 |
July |
Pembroke |
James Smith |
"On 1st, solar halo." |
157 |
July |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"1st, 25th, 27th, lunar halo." |
157 |
August |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 24th, 25th, 29th." |
165 |
September |
Barrie |
H.B. Spotton |
"Solar halo on 14th, at 1 P.M." |
185 |
September |
Peterborough |
Ivan O'Beirne |
"Large halo round sun, 14th." |
185 |
September |
Windsor |
J. Johnston |
"Lunar halo, 21st, 26th, 28th." |
186 |
⟱ |
(Wird fortgesetzt; to be continued; à suivre) |
Duveyrier, Henri:
"Les touareg du Nord : exploration du Sahara"
Challamel aîné, Paris,
Tome 1, (1864), XVI-499 pages: ill.; in-8.
(Zugriff: 05.01.2010).•
mai 1859 - septembre 1861.
Place: Ghardaya (φ=32° 29' N, λ=3° 40' O); Azel-n-Bangou (φ=xx° xx' N, λ=xx° xx' O)
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
19 août 1859 |
Ghardaya |
"Halo lunaire. - Le 19 août 1859, à Ghardåya par un ciel couvert de stratus, la lune, au moment
où elle approchait du méridien, était entourée d'un superbe halo." |
132 |
19 février 1861 |
Azel-n-Bangou |
"Le 19 février 1861, à Azel-n-Bangou, à 8h. 45m. du soir, le ciel étant couvert de
cirrho-stratus, je constatai un halo autour de la lune. Sa distance du bord de la lune, mesurée au extant,
s'est trouvée être de 20°30'." |
132 |
Quételet, Adolphe:
"Sur le climat de la Belgique",
M. Hayez, Imprimeur da L'académie Royale, Bruxelles
Tome 2nd, 7e Partie, (1857), 120 pages.
Chapitre III. Phénomènes optiques de L'atmosphère p.36-44,
Rubriques: 1. Halos, Anthélies, Parhélies, Arcs-en-Ciel. p.36-38, 2. Parasélènes
Country: Belgium, Period: 1833-1852
Année |
Jour / Mois |
Citation |
Rubrique |
Page |
1833 |
31 mars |
"..., 11 heures du soir, grand cercle lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1833 |
26 au 27 décembre |
"..., grand cercle lunaire déformé seulement vers minuit." |
2. |
39 |
1834 |
18 janvier |
"..., vers 8 heures du soir, cercle lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1834 |
17 mars |
"..., vers minuit, gande cercle lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1834 |
4 avril |
"..., à 1 heure après-midi, le soleil était entouré d'un halo peu apparent." |
1. |
37 |
1838 |
5 avril |
"..., vers 9 heures du soir, halo lunaire; l'astre est entouré de cercles qui disparaissent vers 10 heures;
Jupiter se trouve à l'intérieur et à peu près à égale distance de la lune et des cercles colorés qui
l'entourent." |
2. |
39 |
1839 |
2 juin |
"..., à midi, halo solaire; même halo avec parhélies à Alost." |
1. |
37 |
1840 |
15 février |
"..., à 11 heures du soir, la lune est entourée de 3 ou 4 cercles concentriques, distants entre eux de la
valeur d'un diamètre lunaire environ." |
2. |
39 |
1840 |
12 avril |
"..., vers 9 1/2 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1840 |
12 novembra |
"..., à 8 heures 40 minutes, halo lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1840 |
28 décembre |
"..., vers 9 heures du matin, halo solaire avec parhélies, ..." |
1. |
37 |
1841 |
5 février |
"..., vers 11 heures du soir, un halo lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1841 |
6 février |
"..., vers 9 heures du soir, un beau halo lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1841 |
26 février |
"..., vers 7 heures du soir, un halo lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1841 |
2 mars |
"..., à 7 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1841 |
30 mars |
"..., à 11 heures du soir, cercle lunaire." |
2. |
39 |
1841 |
28 août |
"..., à 10 heures du soir, halo lunaire avec rayons extérieurs blancs." |
2. |
39 |
1841 |
4 octobre |
"..., vers 10 heures du soir, cercle lunaire faible." |
2. |
40 |
1841 |
25 octobre |
"..., à 6 heures du soir, cercle lunaire." |
2. |
40 |
1841 |
23 novembre |
"..., à 11 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
40 |
1842 |
28 janvier |
"..., à 2 heures du matin, la lune est entourée d'un cercle de 45° environ de diamètre." |
2. |
40 |
1842 |
21 février |
"..., quatre cercles autour du soleil." |
1. |
37 |
1842 |
22 fevrier |
"..., vers midi, ou aperçoit trois cercles autour du disque solaire; de très-légers cirrho-cumulus règnent dans
la ciel." |
1. |
37 |
1842 |
1er juin |
"..., vers midi, lèger halo autour du soleil." |
1. |
38 |
1842 |
17 septembre |
"..., vers 9 heures du soir, halo elliptique." |
2. |
40 |
1843 |
11 janvier |
"..., à 6 1/4 heures du soir, cercle lunaire de 20° de rayon environ." |
2. |
40 |
1843 |
8 avril |
"..., dans la soirée, un beau halo lunaire." |
2. |
40 |
1843 |
12 avril |
"..., à 11 heures du soir, cercle lunaire de 40 à 45° de diamètre." |
2. |
40 |
1843 |
6 décembre |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, couronne lunaire, composée de deux cercles concentriques, l'extérieur de 5° diamètre,
d'un violet pâle, frangé de rouge extérieurement; le cercle intérieur, d'environ 2°30' de diamètre, était
d'une couleur lie de vin faible." |
2. |
40 |
1844 |
3 janvier |
"..., a 6 heures 15 minutes, couronnes lunaires; le cercle intérieur, d'un jaune pâle, entoure le disque de la lune;
le cercle extérieur, d'une couleur rose uniforme, en est éloigné de 3 degrés au plus. Vers 6 1/2 heures, de légers
nuages arrivent de toutes parts, se rassemblent autour de la lune et forment un halo." |
2. |
40 |
1844 |
2 février |
"..., à 8 heures du soir, beau halo; les parties supérieure et inférieure du cercle sont plus brillantes et plus
tranchées que les parties latérales; elles sont aussi légèrement irisées vers l'intérieur." |
2. |
40 |
1844 |
6 mai |
"..., à 1 heure après-midi, magnifique halo solaire coloré intérieurement dùn rouge vif; lo bord extérieur est
nuancé d'un bleu pâle." |
1. |
38 |
1845 |
21 juin |
"..., à 1 heure après-midi, beau halo." |
1. |
38 |
1845 |
12 novembre |
"..., à 8 heures du soir, halo faible; vers 10 1/2 heures, il est magnifique." |
2. |
40 |
1846 |
5 mai |
"..., à 10 heures du soir, halo; la moitié inférieure est elliptique; le rayon vertical est le plus grand." |
2. |
40 |
1846 |
10 mai |
"..., à 9 heures du matin, halo solaire, légèrement elliptique." |
1. |
38 |
1846 |
10 mai |
"..., vers 10 heures du soir, cercle lunaire de 40 à 45° de diamètre. Aux extrémités du diamètre horizontal, deux
parasélènes avec prolongements vers l'extérieur. Verticalement, au-dessus de la lune, le cercle est beaucoup plus
lumineux et roussâtre ou faiblement irisé à l'intérieur. Par ce même point passe un second arc tangent au premier et
convexe vers la lune; à minuit, le phénomène est encore visible, mais beaucoup plus faible." |
2. |
40 |
1847 |
28 janvier |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1847 |
26 mars |
"..., entre 8 1/2 et 9 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1847 |
22 mai |
"..., à 10 heures 15 minutes, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1847 |
13 juin |
"..., parhélies à Bruxelles, Louvain, Huy, Namur; on en a observé aussi en Écosse." |
1. |
38 |
1847 |
17 décembre |
"..., à 10 3/4 heures, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1847 |
19 décembre |
"..., à 10 1/4 heures, halo lunaire qui a persisté." |
2. |
41 |
1847 |
20 décembre |
"..., à 9 et 10 heures du soir, halo très-intense; on aperçoit distinctement les couleurs." |
2. |
41 |
1847 |
22 décembre |
"..., à 10 1/2 heures, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1848 |
15 février |
"..., à 8 heures, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1848 |
10 avril |
"..., à 7 3/4 heures, traces d'un halo." |
2. |
41 |
1848 |
11 avril |
"..., vers 10 heures, halo megnifique." |
2. |
41 |
1848 |
4 mai |
"..., vers midi, le ciel est beau; il se forme un halo." |
1. |
38 |
1848 |
8 juin |
"..., à 11 1/2 heures, il y avait un halo roussâtre, bordé de blanc à l'extérieur." |
1. |
38 |
1848 |
8 décembre |
"..., de 9 heures à minuit, halo." |
2. |
41 |
1849 |
3 mai |
"..., à midi, un halo très-visible; beaucoup de petits cirrhus." |
1. |
38 |
1849 |
6 mars |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, halo." |
2. |
41 |
1849 |
25 juin |
"..., à midi, halo trés-prononcé." |
1. |
38 |
1849 |
29 juin |
"..., à midi, halo trés-intense, couleurs distinetes." |
1. |
38 |
1849 |
28 septembre |
"..., entre 8 et 9 heures, beau halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1850 |
20 avril |
"..., entre 10 et 11 heures, un halo." |
2. |
41 |
1851 |
15 janvier |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1851 |
16 janvier |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1851 |
9 mai |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, halo lunaire." |
2. |
41 |
1851 |
15 mai |
"..., dans la matinée, halo." |
1. |
38 |
1851 |
6 juin |
"..., vers 11 heures du soir, un halo." |
2. |
41 |
1851 |
11 septembre |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, halo." |
2. |
41 |
1851 |
13 décembre |
"..., de 9 heures jusqu'à midi, halo trés-blanc extérieurement, irisé à l'intérieur." |
1. |
38 |
1852 |
27 janvier |
"..., à 9 heures du matin, halo." |
1. |
38 |
1852 |
27 mars |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, halo." |
2. |
41 |
1852 |
22 avril |
"..., à 9 heures du matin, halo." |
1. |
38 |
1852 |
30 septembre |
"..., à 9 1/2 heures du soir, halo." |
2. |
41 |
1852 |
21 octobre |
"..., de 8 1/4 à 9 heures du soir, halo." |
2. |
41 |
1852 |
23 octobre |
"..., de 8 1/2 à 9 1/4 heures du soir, halo." |
2. |
41 |
1852 |
19 novembre |
"..., à 9 heures du matin, halo et léger brouillard." |
1. |
38 |
1852 |
23 novembre |
"..., on aperçoit simultanément autour de la lune un halo et une couronne." |
2. |
41 |
1852 |
24 décembre |
"..., de 8 à 11 heures, un halo." |
2. |
41 |
1852 |
26 décembre |
"..., à 9 heures du soir, un halo." |
2. |
41 |
Beck, Romeyn T.; Joseph Henry:
"Art. VIII. - On the Mean Temperature of Twenty-Seven different place in the State of New York for 1828"
The Edinburgh journal of science:
ISSN:0367-0287, Edinburgh,
New Series, Vol.1 (April-October), (1829), p.249-259.
(Zugriff: 26.02.2012).•
Mock Suns, Haloes, &c p.256-257.
Area: State New York; Date: 1828
Date |
Place |
Quotation |
Page |
Jan. 23 |
"Johnstown" |
..., two mock suns appeared north and south of the sun at its setting— |
256 |
Jan. 31 |
"Erasmus-Hall" |
"..., Circle round the moon, colour of the rainbow.—" |
256 |
April 24 |
"Union-Hall" |
"..., A. M. noticed a mock sun.—" |
256 |
Feb. 8 |
"Utica" |
"..., Circle round the moon.—" |
256 |
Jan 2 and 30 |
"Union-Hall" |
"..., Circle round the moon.—" |
256 |
April 17, 18, 19 |
"Lowville" |
"..., Solar haloes before noon, and visible for several hours.—" |
257 |
Nov. 18 |
"Lowville" |
"..., Lunar halo of extraordinary magnitude.—" |
257 |
Beck, Romeyn T.; Joseph Henry:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1829"
Legislative and Documents of the Senate and Assambly of the State of New York,
E. Croswell, Albany, NY,
53th Session, Vol.3 (from No.201 to No. 209 iclusive, 1830), (1830), p.25-71.
"Art. VIII. - On the Mean Temerature of Twenty-Nine different places in the state of New York for 1829"
The Edinburgh journal of science,
ISSN:0367-0287, Edinburgh,
New series, Vol.4, No.1, (1831), p.77-85.
(Zugriff: 26.02.2012).•
Beck, Romeyn T.; Joseph Henry: Miscellaneous Observations, No. 2 p.67-71.
Area: State New York; Date: 1829
Date |
Quotation |
Page |
March 15 |
"An extraordinary halo round the sun at half past 5, P. M. Next to the sun was a coloured circle, whose the north,
south and east points of this circle were luminous spots of considerable magnitude, the west part of the circle was
below the horizon. North and south of the sun (one on each side) were two arcs of a circle, answering to a radius, about
twice as great as that of the inner circle. These larger arcs were coloured, as the rainbow, the red being next to the
sun. East of the sun or above it, and at the same distance therefrom, as the north and south arcs, was another arc
coloured like them, (though less bright) but manifestly convex towards the sun. Directly between this last mentioned arc
and the sun, and externally tangent to the eastern part of the inner circle, was a luminous and broad parabolick
curve. Lowville." |
67-68 |
April 8 |
"Halo round the moon, at Pompey, Utica" |
68 |
Mai 15 |
"Birght lunar halo, at Utica." |
68 |
June 8 |
"Brilliant circle round the moon, at 11 P. M., with a mock moon on the right of the circle, at Utica." |
68 |
September 2 |
"A bright parhelion seen near sunset, about 8° from the 6un, at Erasmus-Hall." |
68 |
September 9 |
"A beautiful, large halo round the moon, at Delaware." |
68 |
November 6 |
"Large lunar halo, at Lowville." |
68 |
December 2 |
"Lunar halo, at Lowville." |
68 |
December 30 |
"Lunar halo, at Cazenovia." |
68 |
Witt, Simeon de; G. Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1831"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, in:
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:235908-x, Albany, NY,
55th Session, Vol.2 (from No.66 to No. 119 iclusive, 1832), No.72, (1832), p.1-103.
Haloes &c p.90-91.
Area: State New York; Date: 1831
Date |
Quotation |
Page |
January 11 |
"... The first appearance was a brilliant parhelion, about 25° west of the sun, and at about the same altitude. Its
form at first was nearly circular, and its apparent diameter a little greater than that of the true sun. Its light,
which was of a brilliant white, was so intense as to pain the eyes. In a few moments another parhelion of equal
brightness appeared at the same distance, on the east side of the sun, and at the same altitude. When first seen, it
appeared a little elongated vertically, and slightly colored. Both these parhelia retained their size and appearance
for a few moments, and then began to lengthen in a vertical direction, and to show the prismatic colors with
considerable brilliancy. Their greatest length in a vertical direction was about 10°, and the resemblance between them
Directly above the sun appeared, at the same time with the parhelia, a colored arc, containing 45° or 50° of a circle,
described to a radius of about 25°, having its centre in the zenith, and its convexity towards the sun. The exterior
of the arc was red, and this was the only color that was distinctly denned. The other colors were merged into each
other, but the blue and green appeared predominant though faint. The arc was seen for nearly a quarter of an hour, and
then disappeared but an instant before the parhelia.
During the succeeding night and day there was a heavy fall of snow, and the thermometer fell to 0. During the
succeeding week, the mean temperature was 4.97°, the highest being 15°, and the lowest —11° ; affording, in my view, a
confirmation of the theory of haloes, parhelia, &c. given in the Library of Useful Knowledge, No. 19.
Cacenovia." |
90 |
January 24 |
" P. M. Two haloes appeared, one probably formed by reflection. They exhibited the colours of the rainbow, with their
most brilliant shades. Mr. Edward G. Mead, North-Salem." |
90-91 |
January 25 |
"Halo round the sun. The image of the sun appeared a little distance below, which gradually approached, and at length
pervaded its disc, assuming a dark hue. It ascended and disappeared at some distance from the sun above. Kingston." |
91 |
February 11 |
"Halo round the sun, Cazenovia. " |
91 |
February 15 |
"Halo round the sun, Pompey." |
91 |
February 19 |
"Circle round the moon, Union Hall." |
91 |
February 21 |
"Bright halo round the moon, Utica." |
91 |
March 6 |
"Halo round the sun, Cazenovia." |
91 |
March 12 |
"Circle round the sun at midday, Union Hall." |
91 |
March 21 |
"Halo round the moon, Leioiston." |
91 |
March 23 |
"Lunar halo, Pompey." |
91 |
March 25 |
"Circle round the moon, Union Hall." |
91 |
March 28 |
"A large circle round the moon, Kinderhook. Lunar halo, Pompey." |
91 |
May 6 |
"Halo round the sun, Franklin" |
91 |
May 12 |
"Two bright parhelia on each side of the sun at 6 A. M. Cazenovia." |
91 |
May 18 |
"Circle round the moon, Johnstown. Lunar halo, with a little rain in the evening, Cazenovia." |
91 |
May 23 |
"A large circle round the moon, Kinderhook." |
91 |
June 7 |
"Halo round the moon, Lewiston." |
91 |
July 22 |
"Halo round the moon, Utica." |
91 |
August 5 |
"Halo south of the sun, Fredonia." |
91 |
Witt, Simeon de; G. Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1832"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York, in:
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:235908-x, Albany, NY,
56th Session, Vol.2 (from No.41 to No. 123 iclusive, 1833), No.70, (1833), p.1-76. (No continuous page numbers.)
Miscellaneous Observations, No. 2 p.48-55.
Area: State New York; Date: 1832
Date |
Quotation |
Page |
January 10 |
"Lunar halo observed at Pompey, Cazenovia, Cortland, Kinderhook, Union-Hall and Utica." |
50 |
March 16 |
"Lunar Halo at Utica. Albany, observed by M. H. Webster. The prismatic colours were visible for a few minutes." |
50 |
June 8 |
"Circle round the moon." |
50 |
July 4 |
"A very singular appearance around the moon, viz. a very dense yellow cloud seemed to envelop it, reaching to a
distance on each side, about equal to the apparent diameter of the moon, having its external edge very distinctly
defined. Enclosing this, was a ring of a brilliant white colour, not so dense as the interior yellow portion. Its
width was about the same as that of the yellow. On its inner edge it joined to it, yet the division line was perfectly
distinct.—Cazenovia." |
50 |
August 4 |
"At 11 A. M. a bright halo round the sun. Thermometer 86n.—North-Salem." |
50 |
August 30 |
"Halo round the moon at Kinderhook." |
50 |
September 23 |
"Most beautiful appearance in the west a few moments after sunset near the horizon. A lively straw colour appeared
blending with a perfect white above it. Still higher, a gentle crimson suffused the whole horizon. The appearance
extended about the fourth of a circle.—Mount-Pleasant." |
50 |
Rensselear, S van; Gideon Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1834"
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:235908-x, Albany, NY,
OCLC-Nr.:1644708, eOCLC-Nr.:560804514,
58th Session, Vol.2 (from No.29 to No. 89 iclusive, 1835), No.70, (1835), p.119-175.
Halo &c. p.168-168.
Area: State New York; Date: 1834
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 6 |
Cazenovia |
"Solar parhelia." |
168 |
January 16 |
Kinderhook, Cazenovia, Albany |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
February 15 |
Utica |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
February 16 |
Utica |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
February 18 |
Kinderhook, Newburgh, Utica |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
February 22 |
Johnstown |
"Circle round the moon." |
168 |
March 18 |
Johnstown |
"Circle round the moon." |
168 |
March 23 |
Cazenovia |
"Solar halo." |
168 |
April 18 |
Kinderhook, Utica |
"Large lunar halo." |
168 |
April 25 |
Utica |
"Very bright halo round the sun." |
168 |
April 26 |
Albany |
"Solar halo at 6 A. M." |
168 |
July 18 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, during the greater part of the forenoon." |
168 |
August 5 |
Oysterbay |
"Solar halo at 5 P. M." |
168 |
August 8 |
Cambridge Washington |
"Between 5 and 6 P. M. a mock sun, 45° north of the sun." |
168 |
September 24 |
Cazenovia |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
November 9 |
Palmyra |
"Lunar halo at 9 P. M." |
168 |
November 13 |
Utica, Cazenovia |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
November 15 |
Kinderhook, Cazenovia |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
December 5 |
Johnstown, Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
December 9 |
Johnstown |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
December 10 |
Cazenovia |
"Lunar halo." |
168 |
Rensselear, S van; Gideon Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1835"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:1105396-3, eZDB-ID:2752686-0, Albany, NY,
OCLC-Nr.:645215509, eOCLC-Nr.:869882948,
49th Report, Senate-No.65, (1836), p.113-178.
Halo &c. p.164-165.
Area: State New York; Date: 1835
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 6 |
Cambridge Washington |
"Two parhelia." |
164 |
January 7 |
Albany |
"Part of solar halo and two parhelia were visible during the greater part of the morning." |
164 |
..."... |
Cambrigde Washington |
"Two parhelia." |
164 |
..."... |
Montgomery |
"Two bright spots apear in a large circle about the sun at 8 A. M. and continue about two hours." |
164 |
January 9 |
Bridgewater |
"Lunar halo." |
164 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Bright and well defined lunar halo." |
164 |
..."... |
Utica |
"Bright lunar halo." |
164 |
January 12 |
Kinderhook |
"Very large circle round the moon." |
164 |
..."... |
Utica, Oneida Conference |
"Very bright lunar halo." |
164 |
January 13 |
Johnstown |
"Circle round the moon." |
164 |
January 29 |
Oysterbay |
"Halo round the sun." |
164 |
February 1 |
Oneida Conference |
"Solar halo." |
164 |
February 9 |
Cortland |
"Lunar halo." |
164 |
February 11 |
Utica |
"Bright lunar halo." |
164 |
February 12 |
Bridgewater, Johnstown |
"Lunar halo." |
164 |
..."... |
Newburgh |
"A small circle observed in the evening around the moon, exhibiting distinctly the colors of the rainbow." |
164-165 |
..."... |
Oneida Conference |
"Lunar halo." |
165 |
February 14 |
Bridgewater, Oneida Conference |
"Lunar halo." |
165 |
March 8 |
Utica |
"Lunar halo." |
165 |
March 18 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
165 |
March 20 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
165 |
March 25 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
165 |
March 26 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
165 |
April 3 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
165 |
May 8 |
Kinderhook |
"Circle round the moon." |
165 |
June 3 |
Kinderhook |
"A most beautiful halo round the moon." |
165 |
June 23 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
165 |
September 4 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar circle." |
165 |
September 5 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar circle." |
165 |
October 14 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
165 |
October 29 |
Utica |
"Lunar halo." |
165 |
December 3 |
Oneida Conference |
"Lunar halo." |
165 |
Rensselear, S van; Gideon Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1837"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:1105396-3, eZDB-ID:2752686-0, Albany, NY,
OCLC-Nr.:645215509, eOCLC-Nr.:869882948,
Senate-No.52, (1838), p.127-215.
Haloes. p.187-187.
Area: State New York; Date: 1837
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 18 |
Bridgewater |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
..."... |
Kinderhook |
"Beautiful." (Lunar halo) |
187 |
March 17 |
Cortland, Oneida, Conference, Onondaga, Pompey |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
April 4 |
Kinderhook |
"Solar halo in the middle of the day." |
187 |
..."... |
Rensselaer Oswego |
"Very bright at half past 12." (Solar halo) |
187 |
April 5 |
Kinderhook, Onondaga |
"Solar halo." |
187 |
April 10 |
Rensselaer Oswego |
"Solar halo." |
187 |
April 12 |
Oneida Conference, Rensselaer Oswego |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
April 15 |
Oneida Conference, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
April 17 |
Kinderhook, Onondaga, Pompey, Rensselaer Oswego |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
April 18 |
Cherry-Valley |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
April 26 |
Pompey |
"Solar halo." |
187 |
May 2 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, A. M." |
187 |
May 4 |
Bridgewater |
"Solar halo." |
187 |
May 12 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo." |
187 |
May 13 |
Oneida Conference |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, A. M. Lunar halo, P. M." |
187 |
May 14 |
Rensselaer Oswego |
"Solar halo." |
187 |
June 13 |
Onondaga |
"Large lunar halo." |
187 |
September 14 |
Union-Hall |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
October 3 |
Rensselaer Oswego |
"Solar halo, 8 A. M." |
187 |
October 7 |
North-Salem |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
October 18 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
October 28 |
North-Salem |
"Solar halo." |
187 |
October 30 |
Cortland, Onondaga |
"Solar halo, P. M." |
187 |
November 9 |
Oneida Conference |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
November 10 |
Bridgewater, Hartwick, Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
187 |
..."... |
North-Salem, Onondaga |
"... half past 10 P. M." (Lunar halo) |
187 |
December 5 |
Kinderhook, North-Salem, Onondaga |
"Beautiful lunar halo." |
187 |
December 7 |
Kinderhook |
"Beautiful concentric circles round the moon." |
187 |
..."... |
Lewiston, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo." |
187 |
Rensselear, S van; Gideon Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1838"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:1105396-3, eZDB-ID:2752686-0, Albany, NY,
OCLC-Nr.:645215509, eOCLC-Nr.:869882948,
Senate-No.56, (1838), p.161-219.
Haloes. p.214-214.
Area: State New York; Date: 1838
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 4 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo, 6 P. M.; ..." |
214 |
January 7 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
January 13 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
February 23 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Solar halo; ..." |
214 |
March 6 |
Hamilton |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
214 |
March 11 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo; ..." |
214 |
March 16 |
Hamilton |
"Solar halo; ..." |
214 |
April 4 |
Erasmus Hall, Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
April 5 |
Hartwick, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
April 21 |
Hamilton, Kinderhook |
"Solar halo; ..." |
214 |
April 25 |
Union Hall |
"Solar halo; ..." |
214 |
May 1 |
Hamilton, Onondaga |
"Double solar halo; ..." |
214 |
May 7 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
May 8 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Moon distinguished by rays, having the appearance of four cones, of which the moon was the base, and standing at
right angles to each other; ..." |
214 |
May 17 |
Albany |
"Solar halo; ..." |
214 |
May 25 |
Kinderhook |
"From 5 to 7 A. M., remarkable parhelia; complete halo; ..." |
214 |
June 4 |
Mount-Pleasant |
"Solar halo." |
214 |
July 10 |
Utica |
"Brilliant solar halo at 6 A. M.; ..." |
214 |
August 15 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo; ..." |
214 |
October 2 |
Mount Pleasant |
"Splendid lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
October 29 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
November 2 |
Kinderhook |
"Very large lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
November 28 |
Gouverneur |
"Beautiful lunar halo, observed at intervals from 7 to 9 P. M.; ..." |
214 |
December 23 |
Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
214 |
December 28 |
Gouverneur, Kinderhook, Lowville |
"Lunar halo, 6 P. M.; ..." |
214 |
King, James; Gideon Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1839"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:1105396-3, Albany, NY,
Vol.53, Senate-No.64, (1840), p.133-246.
Haloes &c. p.192-194.
Area: State New York; Date: 1839
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 20 |
Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo, large; ..." |
192 |
January 23 |
Cortland |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
January 28 |
Fredonia |
"Lunar halo, bright; ..." |
192 |
January 31 |
Lowville |
"Three vertical lunar columns. At 7 o'clock this evening, my attention was drawn to the appearance of this phenomenon,
by expressions of admiration proceeding from a group of students who were the first witnesses of it. When I first saw
it, the moon was perhaps one or two degrees above the horizon. The atmosphere was clear, excepting a slight hazy
appearance, and but for a very gentle breeze from the north, was perfectly still. A luminous column extended
vertically from the horizon, directly through the moon, to the distance of 9 or 10 degrees above it, of uniform
brightness and breadth, without that variation of length which is sometimes observed. Near its termination, it seemed
to fade away imperceptibly, till quite lost. Thus far (with the exception of its non-variation in length) the
appearance was similar to other columns which I have observed, and to the recorded descriptions of others. Two other
columns were distinctly visible on either side of the one passing through the moon, equidistant and parallel to it.
Their distance was from 8 to 10 degrees from the central one, and in form and length were similar to it, but were less
bright, as if either from a second reflection, or as if by reflection from less perfectly specularly reflecting
surfaces. They disappeared in about thirty minutes after I first saw them, when I took the apparent altitude of the
moon, and found it 9j degrees. Twenty hours after its occurrence snow crystals began to fall, of the usual stellate
form, without having their points curved upwards sufficient to produce lateral reflection. Could not a portion of
these crystals have been thrown from a horizontal position, (so as to produce lateral reflection,) by aerial currents,
while another portion, distant from the former, were unagitated, and thus cause the central column to be uniform in
length? If so, would that condition be sufficient to account for the exterior columns? ..." |
194 |
February 19 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo; ..." |
192 |
February 28 |
Lowville |
"Lunar halo, large; snow crystals fell twelve hours after it; ..." |
192 |
March 12 |
Rochester |
"Solar halo; ..." |
192 |
..."... |
Lewiston |
"About 12o'clock, there were seen about the sun several bright rings, a part of a circle on the east and also on the
west, and a very bright one about the sun. Within these, an entire circle about the sun. Thunder in the afternoon;
about 4 o'clock some rain; ..." |
192 |
March 22 |
Erasmus Hall, Union Hall |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
March 24 |
Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
..."... |
Cortland |
"Solar halo; ..." |
192 |
March 25 |
Middlebury, Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
March 26 |
Gouverneur, Middlebury, Union Hall |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
March 28 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
April 2 |
Middlebury |
"Large circle round the moon at midnight; ..." |
192 |
April 23 |
Union Hall |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
May 21 |
Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
192 |
May 26 |
Gouverneur |
"Solar halo; ..." |
192 |
June 12 |
Kinderhook |
"Solar halo at noon; ..." |
192 |
July 3 |
Cortland |
"Sun-dog, about 7 P. M. south of sun; ..." |
192 |
September 21 |
Ithaca, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
193 |
October 11 |
Ithaca |
"Solar halo, 66° in diameter; ..." |
193 |
October 17 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
193 |
October 18 |
Cortland, Cazenovia, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
193 |
..."... |
Albany |
"Solar and lunar halo; ..." |
193 |
November 20 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
193 |
December 7 |
Onondaga |
"Most beautiful partial rainbow about sunset, N. N. East, secondary bow farther west; colours of the latter
faint; ..." |
193 |
December 21 |
Onondaga |
"Large lunar halo; ..." |
193 |
December 27 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
193 |
King, James; Gideon Hawley:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1840"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:1105396-3, Albany, NY,
Vol.54, Senate-No.39, (1841), p.151-247.
Halos &c. p.208-211.
Area: State New York; Date: 1840
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 1 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo at sunrise, continued until noon; ..." |
208 |
January 3 |
Onondaga |
"Very beautiful parhelions at sunset, north of the sun; ..." |
208 |
January 12 |
Cortland, Gaines, Gouverneur, Kinderhook Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..., ...." |
209 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..., (snow 14 hours after), ..." |
209 |
January 17 |
Gaines |
"Solar halo and double parhelion about 9 A. M; ..." |
209 |
..."... |
St. Lawrence |
"Two parhelia at 2 P. M; ..." |
209 |
January 21 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
January 26 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo; ..." |
209 |
February 2 |
Onondaga |
"Partial solar halo A. M.; ..." |
209 |
February 13 |
Gouverneur, Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..., (rain 23 hours after.)." |
209 |
February 16 |
North-Salem |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
February 17 |
Cortland, Gaines, Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Splendid lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
February 20 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Solar halo; ..." |
209 |
March 3 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Solar halo; ..." |
209 |
March 12 |
Cortland, Gouverneur, Kinderhook, Lowville, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
March 14 |
North-Salem |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
March 16. |
Kinderhook, North-Salem |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
April 2 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo 4 P. M. ..." |
209 |
April 13 |
Lowville, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
April 15 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
..."... |
Union Hall |
"Solar halo; ..." |
209 |
April 16 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
..."... |
Lowville |
"Solar halo at 10 A. M. and at 3 P. M. with parhelion. In the evening, lunar halo. Rain 48 hours after solar;
..." |
209 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Solar and lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
April 17 |
St. Lawrence |
"Solar halo; ..." |
209 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
April 21 |
Lowville |
"Solar halo, with sun-dogs, half past 8 A. M.; ..." |
209 |
April 24 |
Franklin Malone |
"Large lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
May 9 |
Gouverneur, Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
May 11 |
Franklin Malone |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
May 12 |
Lowville |
"Solar halo; ..." |
209 |
June 3 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
June 4 |
Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
June 5 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
June 11 |
Lowville |
"Lunar halo 10 1/2 P. M. rain in the night; ..." |
209 |
June 12 |
Gaines |
"Large solar halo A. M. ..." |
209 |
July 4 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
July 5 |
Gouverneur |
"Solar halo, beautifully colored at 12 M. ..." |
209 |
August 12 |
Gouverneur |
"A bright solar halo, with prismatic colors, from 12 to 1 1/2 P.M. ..." |
209 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo 9 A. M. ..." |
209 |
August 13 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo 9 A. M. ..." |
209 |
August 15 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
August 17 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
September 1 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo; ..." |
209 |
September 4 |
St. Lawrence |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
September 7 |
Lowville, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
October 8 |
Lowville, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
October 9 |
Lowville |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
October 27 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, very bright, 2 P. M. ..." |
209 |
November 3 |
Kinderhook, North-Salem, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
November 5 |
Erasmus Hall, Kinderhook, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
209 |
November 6 |
Cortland |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
..."... |
Erasmus Hall |
"Solar and lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
..."... |
Johnstown, Lowville, North-Salem |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
..."... |
Oneida Conference, Onondaga |
"Very large lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
November 7 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
November 11 |
Onondaga |
"Splendid lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
December 2 |
Hamilton |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
..."... |
Lowville |
"The morning of the 2d was fair and while I was expecting a brilliant sunrise, my attention was for a moment called
away; wnen I turned again, what was my surprise to find that (as my first impression declared)the sun had in the
interval, passed two or three degrees above the horizon. Such a thought was barely dispelled by a moment's reflection,
ere the true sun arose with its expected and, in this climate, peculiar brilliancy. The position of the parhelion was
vertically above the sun, at the distance of about four degrees. It was so bright as to dazzle the naked eye. A cone of
light extended from above to the distance of an apparent diameter and a half of the sun, resembling most perfectly the
converging rays of a lens, reflected by a medium of floating mist. It disappeared soon after the rising of the sun.
Snow crystals fell 28 hours after its occurrence; ..." |
210 |
December 4 |
Kinderhook |
"Lular halo; ..." |
210 |
..."... |
Lowville, Onondaga |
"Large (lunar halo) 6 P. M. ..." |
210 |
December 5 |
Cortland, Lowville, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
December 11 |
Lowville |
"Parhelion—remarkable for the appearance of three vertical columns, nearly similar to the lunar pillars reported last
year. At the rising of the sun, a cone of 10 or 12 degrees in length above, and after its leaving the horizon beneath,
the sun appeared with a brightness little inferior to the sun itself, while at the distance of 22 1/2 degrees on either
side appeared the lateral columns. These, unlike the central one, were throughout of uniform breadth. In either column,
at the same elevation with the sun, was a brilliant parhelion, each with a conical train, like that of the 3rd. The
light of these columns was white and it remained unaltered, until the sun had attained an altitude of about five
degrees, when the external columns exchanged their whiteness for the beautiful variety of the spectrums. But one more
change took place before the elevation of the sun closed the scene. As the sun advanced, those columns became arcs of a
circle, assuming more and more the form of a partial halo until the sun attained the altitude of 9 degrees, when the
whole exhibition began to fade, and at 9 1/2 degrees alk appearances had ceased. A light snow like frozen mist
uncrystallized was falling at the time, but in the every twelve hours afterwards, stellular crystals fell in abundance;
..." |
210 |
December 31 |
Gaines |
"Solar halo, very dense; ..." |
210 |
..."... |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo; ..." |
210 |
Wendell, Peter; T. Romeyn Beck:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1841"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:1105396-3, Albany, NY,
Vol.55, Senate-No.55, (1842), p.169-272.
Haloes &c. p.231-232.
Area: State New York; Date: 1841
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 18 |
Rochester |
"Two very bright mock suns, A. M., ..." |
231 |
January 28 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Gouverneur Wesleyan |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 4 |
Erasmus Hall, Springville, Onondaga |
"Solar halo. Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 5 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 7 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 8 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Governeur, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 25 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo, ...;" |
231 |
..."... |
Springville |
"...; sun dog, 8 A. M." |
231 |
February 26 |
Gouverneur, Lowville |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 2 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Beautiful lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 5 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Lowville |
"solar halo at sunset; lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Springville |
"...; sun dog at 6 1/2 A. M. ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"2 P. M. parhelion below the sun and about one-half of its elevation, so light as to be painful to look upon;
horizontally elongated; soon after disappeared, and another similar one appeared about the same distance above the
sun, which continued until 4 P. M.: evening. Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 9 |
Onondaga |
"Parhelion 3 P. M.; 11 P. M. lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 10 |
Lowville |
"Parhelion at 8 A. M. ..." |
231 |
March 15 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Gaines |
"...; bright solar halo 9 A. M. ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Lowville |
"...; three parhelia with a brilliant solar halo at 4 P. M. ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar halo between 4 and 5 P. M. ..." |
231 |
April 6 |
Onondaga |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
April 10 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo 10 P. M. ..." |
231 |
April 28 |
Gaines |
"Very bright solar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 5 |
North Salem |
"Solar halo, with prismatic colors from 12 to 1; rain began at 6 P. M. and continued slightly until morning, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"... Beautiful solar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Hempstead |
"... At noon, a beautiful halo around the sun exhibited the colours of the rainbow ; for some time previous the
weather had been very cold for the season, and ice a quarter of an inch in thickness was made on the night of the 3d;
rain commenced at half-past 4 P. M. this day, and continued until the evening of the 6th, ..." |
231 |
May 6 |
Rensselaer Oswego |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 7 |
Lowville |
"Solar halo at 4 P. M. ..." |
231 |
May 9 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
North Salem |
"...; solar halo, A. M., parhelion at sun down, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Rochester, Albany |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 13 |
Gaines, Albany |
"Large mock sun A. M.; large solar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 14 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, P. M. ..." |
231 |
May 16 |
Onondaga |
"Partial solar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 22 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 26 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
June 10 |
North Salem |
"Two parhelia, very bright about 6 A. M. ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"... ; solar halo, not very distinct, ..." |
231 |
June 12 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
June 16 |
Rensselaer Oswego |
"Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
June 17 |
Rochester, Albany |
"Solar halo, 8 A. M. ..." |
231 |
June 24 |
Albany |
"Lunar rainbow between 8 and 9 P. M. ..." |
231 |
July 4 |
Albany |
"Two suns at 5 1/2 P. M. ..." |
232 |
July 14 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
..."... |
North Salem |
"Two bright parhelia at 8 A. M. clear at noon and very warm; ..." |
232 |
July 23 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
August 5 |
Cortland |
"August 5. Solar halo A. M. ..." |
232 |
August 11 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
August 26 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo A. M. ..." |
232 |
September 28 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo A. M. ..." |
232 |
October 2 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo P. M. ..." |
232 |
November 21 |
North Salem |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
November 23 |
Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
December 22 |
Lowville |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
December 23 |
St. Lawrence |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
December 29 |
North Salem |
"A very large and bright lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
Wendell, Peter; T. Romeyn Beck:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1841"
Annual report of the Regents of the University of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:1105396-3, Albany, NY,
Vol.57, Senate-No.57, (1843), p.214-316.
B. Haloes' Parhelia, &c. p.273-276.
Area: State New York; Date: 1842
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 8 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
273 |
January 16 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
273 |
..."... |
Albany |
"...; Solar halo, 10 A. M., ..." |
273 |
January 18 |
Lewiston, St. Lawrence |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
273 |
January 19 |
Albany |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
273 |
January 20 |
Kinderhook |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
273 |
January 24 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., ..." |
273 |
..."... |
Kinderhook, Albany, Lowville, North Salem, Erasmus Hall |
"...; lunar halo, ..." |
273 |
..."... |
Gaines |
"...; a bright lunar halo at 7 P. M.j solar halo at 3 P. M., ..." |
273 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar halo at sunset; evening, lunar halo, ..." |
273-274 |
..."... |
Union Literary Society, Rochester |
"...; lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
January 25 |
Gouverneur |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Lewiston |
"...; lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Albany |
"...; solar halo with mock suns; ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"...; lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
January 27 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
January 28 |
Rochester |
"Lunar halo, 5 A. M., ..." |
274 |
January 29 |
Gaines |
"Lunar halo, at 1 A. M. ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
274 |
January 30 |
Union Literary Society |
"Solar halo, half past 3 P. M., ..." |
274 |
February 6 |
Cortland, Onondaga, Rochester |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
February 15 |
Cortland, Kinderhook, Lowville, Onondaga, Rochester |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
February 17 |
Lowville |
"Parhelia at sunset, ..." |
274 |
February 18 |
Rochester |
"Parhelia at sunset, ..." |
274 |
February 20 |
Erasmus Hall, Rochester |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
February 21 |
Fredonia, Gaines, Lowville |
"Lunar halo, ...;" |
274 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
274 |
February 23 |
Albany, Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
February 24 |
Gaines |
"Lunar halo, between 11 and 12 P. M., ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"...; unar halo, ..." |
274 |
February 25 |
North Salem |
"Lunar halo, very large at 8 P. M., ..." |
274 |
March 3 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 4 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 14 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 16 |
Cortland, Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 17 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 18 |
Kinderhook |
"Near sunset, a beautiful exhibition of parhelia or mock suns. The decomposition of the sun's rays, by the thin clouds,
was very perfect in the semi-circular arch, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 19 |
North Salem |
"Lunar halo, tri-colored, yellow, orange, blue, atmosphere smoky or hazy, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 20 |
Cortland |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Gaines |
"...; circle round the moon at S P. M., ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Albany |
"...; lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Union Literary Society |
"...; solar halo, 10 and 11 A. M., and lunar halo, evening, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"...; lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 21 |
Onondaga, Rochester |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
March 27 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
April 1 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
April 6 |
Albany, Cortland, Onondaga, Rochester |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
April 10 |
North Salem |
"Two parhelia, just before sundown, ..." |
274 |
April 11 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
April 12 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
274 |
April 16 |
Lowville, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
April 17 |
Lowville |
"Solar halo, and in the evening lunar halo; rain in ten hours, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Onondaga |
"...; solar and lunar halo, ..." |
274 |
..."... |
Albany, Union Literary Society, Rochester |
"...; solar halo, ..." |
274 |
April 20 |
Cortland, North Salem |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
April 21 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
April 23 |
Rochester |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
April 30 |
Albany, Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
May 6 |
Union Literary Society |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
May 8 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
May 19 |
Lewiston, Onondaga |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
May 21 |
Albany, Onondaga, Cortland |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
..."... |
...; Fairfield |
"parhelion, ..." |
275 |
..."... |
Gaines |
"...; solar halo, bright, between 12 and 1 P. M., ..." |
275 |
..."... |
Kinderhook, Plattsburgh |
"...; a beautiful halo around the sun for several hours in the middle of the day, ..." |
275 |
May 24 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
May 26 |
Albany, Onondaga, Rochester |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
May 28 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 3 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 5 |
Rochester |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 8 |
Albany, Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 11 |
Gaines |
"Parhelion at 7 P. M., ..." |
275 |
June 14 |
Lowville |
"Lunar halo, rain 72 hours after, ..." |
275 |
June 15 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 17 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 22 |
North Salem |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 24 |
Albany, Rochester |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
June 26 |
Albany, Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
July 1 |
Gaines |
"Parhelion at 6J, P. M., ..." |
275 |
July 10 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
July 25 |
Cortland |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
July 28 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
August 6 |
North Salem |
"Parhelion 7 1/2 A. M., ..." |
275 |
August 20 |
North Salem |
"Solar halo from 10 to 12 M., ..." |
275 |
August 24 |
Gaines |
"Solar halo, 2 P. M., ..." |
275 |
..."... |
North Salem |
"... . Lunar very large. ..." |
275 |
September 4 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
September 16 |
North Salem |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
September 20 |
Franklin Malone, Albany |
"Lunar halo, very distinct, 8 P. M., ..." |
275 |
October 14 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
October 17 |
Franklin Malone |
"Lunar halo in the evening, ..." |
275 |
November 4 |
Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
November 5 |
Albany, Onondaga |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
November 15 |
Erasmus Hall |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
..."... |
North Salem |
"... . Double lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
November 23 |
Albany |
"Solar halo, ..." |
275 |
December 11 |
North Salem |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
December 12 |
North Salem |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
275 |
..."... |
Lowville |
"... . Lunar halo, snow 12 hours after, ..." |
275-276 |
..."... |
Albany |
"... . Solar and lunar halo, ..." |
276 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"... . Lunar halo, ..." |
276 |
December 17 |
Lewiston |
"Lunar halo, ..." |
276 |
December 20 |
Franklin Malone |
"A very large distinct lunar halo, seen between 11 and 12 P. M., ..." |
276 |
December 24 |
Rochester |
"Solar halo, P. M., ..." |
276 |
Beck, T. Romeyn; B. W. Clark; A. Winchell; John F. Jenkins; C. Dewey; A. Guyot:
"An abstract of the returns of meteorological observations made to the regents of the university, for the year 1849"
Documents of the Senate of the State of New York,
ZDB-ID:235908-x, Albany, NY,
Vol. 3, Session 73, (No.76 to 113 inclusive), No. 113, (1850), p.203-286.
B. Haloes &c. p.231-232.
Area: State New York; Date: 1849
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
January 1 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
January 7 |
Erasmus Hall |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
January 10 |
Hamilton |
"..., very brilliant parhelia on each side of the sun about 4 p.m.; ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"...; two mock suns, evening, ..." |
231 |
January 11 |
Hamilton |
"..., very brilliant parhelion on each side of the sun, ..." |
231 |
January 14 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
January 24 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
January 29 |
Hamilton |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
January 30 |
Cortland, Cazenovia |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
January 31 |
Cortland, Erasmus Hall, Hamilton |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 4 |
Erasmus Hall, North Salem, Rochester |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 5 |
Rochester |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 6 |
Plattsburgh |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 12 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 13 |
Cortland |
"..., Solar halo, p.m., ..." |
231 |
February 15 |
Hamilton |
"..., Beautiful parhelion at 4 p.m., ..." |
231 |
February 16 |
Cortland, Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, a.m., ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Plattsburgh |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 17 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 19 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo a little after sunrise, ..." |
231 |
February 24 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 26 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
February 28 |
Hamilton, Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 3 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 6 |
Rochester |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 9 |
Hamilton |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 10 |
North Salem |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
March 27 |
Rochester |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
April 3 |
Erasmus Hall |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
April 6 |
Hamilton |
"..., Lunar halo, ... |
231 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
April 7 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
April 8 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
April 12 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, mock sun at eve, ..." |
231 |
April 17 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 1 |
North Salem |
"..., Solar halo, 11 a.m., Lunar halo, 8 p.m., ..." |
231 |
May 2 |
Lowville |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
231 |
May 26 |
North Salem |
"..., Lunar halo, very large 9 p.m., ..." |
231 |
May 27 |
North Salem |
"..., Parhelion, 4 p.m., ..." |
231 |
June 18 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
231 |
June 20 |
North Salem |
"..., Solar halo, with prismatic colors, 11 a.m., ..." |
231 |
June 23 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, 3 p.m., ..." |
232 |
June 24 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
..."... |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, 10 1/2 a.m., ..." |
232 |
June 27 |
Auburn |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
July 3 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
July 5 |
Hamilton |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
July 18 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
July 25 |
North Salem |
"..., Solar halo, 11 A.M.; ..." |
232 |
..."... |
Rochester |
"..., solar halo, ..." |
232 |
July 27 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, A.M., ..." |
232 |
July 28 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
August 27 |
North Salem |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
September 4 |
Cortland |
"..., Solar halo, A.M., ..." |
232 |
September 24 |
North Salem |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
October 15 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
October 21 |
Rochester |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
October 28 |
Erasmus Hall |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
..."... |
North Salem |
"...; Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
November 17 |
Hamilton |
"..., Solar halo, ..." |
232 |
November 28 |
Erasmus Hall |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
November 29 |
North Salem |
"..., A large and bright lunar halo at 7 P.M., ..." |
232 |
November 30 |
Rochester |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
December 23 |
Erasmus Hall, Hamilton, North Salem |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
December 25 |
Cortland |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
December 27 |
Hamilton |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
December 28 |
North Salem |
"..., Lunar halo, ..." |
232 |
Institution of the Deaf and Dumb, "Meteorological Observations p.250-256.
2. Haloes p.253-253.
Place: Institution of the Deaf and Dumb, New York; Date: 1849
Month |
Day |
quotation |
Page |
January |
1 |
"..., Solar halo at 10 A.M. continued an hour or more." |
253 |
January |
1 |
"..., Lunar halo at 7 P.M., large, to 9 P.M." |
253 |
January |
7 |
"..., Lunar halo at 9 P.M., large, to 10 P.M." |
253 |
February |
1 |
"..., Lunar halo at 7 P.M., quite large." |
253 |
February |
2 |
"..., Lunar halo at 7.30 P.M." |
253 |
February |
4 |
"..., Lunar halo at8 P.M., small and some colored to 9 P.M." |
253 |
March |
31 |
"..., Lunar halo at 8 P.M., large and distinct 8 1/2 P.M." |
253 |
April |
7 |
"..., Lunar halo at 10 P.M., large and well defined." |
253 |
July |
8 |
"..., Solar halo at 12 M., highly colored." |
253 |
November |
28 |
"..., Lunar halo at 6 P.M., very large and distinct to 10 P.M." |
253 |
December |
4 |
"..., Lunar halo at 7 P.M., not very large, colored." |
253 |
December |
23 |
"..., Lunar halo at 6.30 P.M., large, not very well defined." |
253 |
John F. Jenkins: Observations of North Salem Academie, p.257-265.
Haloes and Parhelia, (table), p.266-267.
Place: North Salem Academie, North Salem; Date: 1849
Month |
Day |
quotation "Haloes and Parhelia" |
Page |
February |
5 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
March |
10 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
May |
1 |
"..., Solar, 11 A.M." |
260 |
May |
1 |
"..., LunarLunar, 8 P.M." |
260 |
May |
26 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
May |
27 |
"..., Parhelion, 4 P.M." |
260 |
June |
20 |
"..., Solar, with prismatic colors, 11 A.M." |
260 |
July |
25 |
"..., Solar, 11 A.M." |
260 |
August |
27 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
September |
24 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
October |
28 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
November |
29 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
December |
23 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
December |
28 |
"..., Lunar," |
260 |
McClintock, Francis Leopold; Charles A. Schott:
"Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas. By Sir Leopold McClintock, B.N. Made on Board the Arctic Searching Yacht "Fox", in Buffin Bay and Prince Regent
Inlet in 1857, 1858 and 1859. Reduced and Discussed at the Expense of the Smithsonian Institution by Charles A. Schott, Assistant U.S. Coast Survey."
Smithsonian contributions to knowledge,
ISSN:0096-9354, eISSN:0096-9354, Washington, DC,
OCLC-Nr.:609913539, eOCLC-Nr.:609913539, eOCLC-Nr.:705372107,
Vol. 13, No.146, (1862), 1 map, 160 pages.
Appendix: Record of the weather ketp on board the yacht "Fox", from July 2, 1857 to September 18, 1859; with Notes on the Specific Gravity of Sea Water, on the
State of the Ice, Appearance of Animals, etc. etc.; on the Aurora Borealis and Atmosperic Phenomena. p.111-146.
Area: Arctic Seas (Buffin Bay and Prince Regent Inlet); Date: July 2, 1857 to September 18, 1859
Year |
Month |
Day |
Quotation |
Page |
1857 |
December |
04 |
"Dawn at 11h. 0m.; a well-marked halo and several paraselenæ, 7h. to 10h. P.M., consisting of five false moons, three arcs of halos, and a horizontal belt
of light round the heaven and paasing through the moon."(fig.; URI/URN: |
119 |
1858 |
January |
25 |
"Dawn at 9h. 0m., dusk at 3h. 15m.; a halo round the moon at 7h. P.M." |
121 |
1858 |
February |
09 |
"Dawn at 7h. 25m., dusk at 4h. 40m.; at 11 A.M. a faint parhelion, ..." |
122 |
1858 |
February |
13 |
"..., dawn at 7h. 15m.; prismatic halo round the sun; ...; dusk at 5h. 10m.; ..." |
122 |
1858 |
February |
14 |
"Dawn at 7h. 5m.; ...; 1h. 30m. P.M. an ill-defined halo round the sun about 18° diameter, its extremities at the horizon prismatic; ...; dusk at
5h. 20m." |
122 |
1858 |
February |
15 |
"Dawn at 7h. 20m.; am imperfect double halo around the sun, diameter about 18° and 36°; dusk at 5h. 20m.; ..." |
122 |
1858 |
February |
16 |
"Dawn at 6h. 50m.; am imperfect halo slightly prismatic; dusk at 5h. 20m.; ..." |
122 |
1858 |
February |
17 |
"...; dawn at 6h. 45m.; at noon imperfect prismatic halo, diameter 45°, lunimuos spots at horizon 45° E. and W. of the sun; ...; dusk at 5h. 20m.;
halo round the moon, diameter 46°; ..." |
122 |
1858 |
February |
20 |
"Dawn at 6h. 40m.; ...; 6 P.M. prismatic halo round the moon, diameter 4° 20'." (Corona?) |
122 |
1858 |
February |
22 |
"Dawn at 6h. 30m.; ...; dusk at 5h. 40m.; at midnight (22d-23d) halo round the moon." |
122 |
1858 |
February |
28 |
"Dawn at 6h. 0m.; ...; dusk at 6h. 15m.; at midnight (28th-1st) halo round the moon, diameter 43°; altitude of moon 19 2/3°." |
122 |
1858 |
March |
07 |
"...; from 11 A. M. until 2 P. M. a double prismatic halo (red external) about the sun, diameters 45° and 90° nearly; occasional parhelia or inner halo in same
altitude as the sun; a portion of inverted arch above outer halo; sun's altitude 16°."
(fig.; URI/URN: |
123 |
1858 |
March |
19 |
"...; at noon, a faint halo with parhelia; ..." |
124 |
1858 |
March |
26 |
"9 P. M., halo around the moon, diameter about 44°; altitude moon's centre 28°; ..." |
124 |
1858 |
March |
30 |
"...; 11 P. M., Paraselena on each side and above the moon, distant about 23°, moon's altitude 11°." |
124 |
1858 |
May |
15 |
"6 P. M., prismatic halo around sun about 45° diameter, two lateral parhelia, some polarization; also an arch 15° above horizon, apparently of a circle of same
diameter as halo, opposite the sun." |
127 |
1858 |
October |
20 |
"...; 8 P. M. halo round the moon, diameter about 45°." |
133 |
1858 |
October |
22 |
"8 P. M. Prismatic halo around the moon." |
133 |
1858 |
November |
22 |
"10 P. M. a halo around the moon." |
134 |
1858 |
December |
18 |
"6 P. M., a lunar halo, diameter about 45°." |
135 |
1858 |
December |
20 |
"8 P. M., a lunar halo, diameter 45°." |
135 |
1859 |
January |
14 |
"10 P. M. a lunar halo, diameter 45°." |
136 |
1859 |
January |
17 |
"A fox caught; 6 P. M. a lunar halo." |
136 |
1859 |
January |
19 |
"A hare shot; 10 P. M. a halo round the moon." |
137 |
1859 |
February |
12 |
"...; halo round the moon." |
137 |
1859 |
February |
13 |
"Two ptarmigan seen; halo round the moon." |
137 |
1859 |
March |
15 |
"2 A. M. a lunar halo; two ptarmigan shot." |
138 |
1859 |
March |
30 |
"A parhelion on each side of the sun; ..." |
138 |
1859 |
April |
21 |
"A hare seen; prismatic parhelion and part of halo on each side of the sun distant about 22° 30'." |
139 |
1859 |
May |
01 |
"Prismatic parhelion and part of halo on each side of the sun, distant about 23°." |
140 |
1859 |
May |
05 |
"Parhelion and part of halo on each side of sun." |
140 |
1859 |
May |
06 |
"Prismatic parhelion and part of halo on each side of sun distant 22° 20' (observed)." |
140 |
Loomis, Elias:
"ARTICLE IV. On two Storms which were experienced throughout the United States, in the month of February, 1842."
"By Eli as Loomis, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Western Reserve College. Read May 26, 1843."
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society: Held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge,
ISSN:0065-9746, Philadelphia, Pa.,
OCLC-Nr.:183319971, eOCLC-Nr.:55125852,
New Series, Vol.9, (1846), p.160-184.
"There was another phenomenon incidentally connected with the storm of February 16, which deserves a passing notice.
"Halos were observed at several places, during the period in question. The following are some of the observations." p.179-179.
Area: North America; Date: 1842
Date |
place |
quotation |
Page |
February 15 |
Washington city |
"..., from 6 hours 15 minutes to 8 hours p. M., a perfect lunar halo." |
179 |
February 15 |
Detroit |
"..., 10 A. M., halo round the sun. " |
179 |
February 16 |
Detroit |
"..., 10 A. M., halo round the sun." |
179 |
February 17 |
Detroit |
"..., 8 to 10 p. M., halo round the moon." |
179 |
February 16 |
Toronto |
"..., 8 p. M., imperfect halo round the moon, diameter about 35°." |
179 |
February 17 |
Fort Gratiot |
"..., halo round the moon." |
179 |
February 17 |
Hudson |
"..., evening, halo observed." |
179 |
February 17 |
Fort Constitution |
"..., p. M., parhelion." |
179 |
summary |
"The halos observed on the fifteenth, at Detroit and Washington, were formed in that cloud which is represented on chart 2, which at first was a mere haze, and
gradually thickened. February 16, another halo was formed at Detroit and Toronto, in the cloud which followed the storm; and on the seventeenth, a halo wa3 noticed
at three places together with a parhelion. If any doubt previously existed as to the cause of this phenomenon, the facts which have already been presented may serve
to dissipate it. The argument may be thus stated. A halo of 22° radius would be formed by the refraction of the light of the sun or moon through prisms of ice, having
angles of 60° and floating irregularly in the atmosphere. The halo is proved to be formed by refraction. Snow consists chiefly of spiculae having angles of 60°.
Flakes of snow were floating in the atmosphere, February 15, over Detroit and Washington. The halos observed were, therefore, formed by light refracted through
these prisms." |
179 |
Legende / legend
↦ JJJJ |
Beginn der Haloregistrierung |
Beginn der Haloaufzeichung mit folgender Jahreszahl JJJJ. |
JJJJ ↷ |
Fortsetzung der Reihe |
Diese Reihe wird in der nächsten Zeile fortgeasetzt. |
(?) |
Angaben nicht plausibel |
Angaben sind widersprüchlich, wahrscheinlich Druckfehler. |
end of file