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Vol.99, Issue 422, (1973), p.649-656.
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"Unusual halo phenomenon at Swift Current",
Weather: a monthly magazine for all interested in meteorology,
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OCLC-Nr.:311096353, eOCLC-Nr.:159809071,
Vol.30, No.5, (1975), p.162-165.•
-Tricker, R.A.R.:
"Arcs associated with halos of unusual radii",
Journal of the Optical Society of America:
Devoted to all branches of optics,
ISSN:0030-3941, New York NY,
OCLC-Nr.:643507862, eOCLC-Nr.:163231714,
Vol.69, No.8, (1979), p.1093-1100, Photo Plate 100, p.1195.
-Tricker, R.A.R.:
"Ice crystal haloes",
Atmospheric Optics Technical Group of the Optical Society of America, Washington,
OL-ID:4456084M, LCC-No.:79118866,
OCLC-Nr.:488825346, 5751380, 633577909,
(1979), 53 pages, 61 pages of plates, ill. , 35 cm.
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Amatérská prohlídka oblohy, Ondřejov,
23. August 2004, PDF-Dokument, 60 Seiten,
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Amatérská prohlídka oblohy, Ondřejov,
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ISSN:0374-3241, Anvers,
Vol.30, No.346-347-348, (1948), p.75-77.•
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(О частоте появления окололунных кругов и о периодичности галосов),
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Priroda: ezemesjacnyj estestvenno-naucnyj zurnal,
Ежемесячный естественно-научный журнал,
ISSN:0032-874X, Moskva,
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Hemel en Dampkring, Deel 33, Aflevering 3, (1935), pagina 95).•
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Weather: a monthly magazine for all interested in meteorology,
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Vol.27, No.6, (1972), p.240.•
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Journal of the Royal Society of Canada:
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Vol.21, No.3, (1927), p.96-99.
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"A rare observation of the 8° halo",
Weather: a monthly magazine for all interested in meteorology,
ISSN:0043-1656, eISSN:1477-8696, London,
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(Сложного галоса 26 Февраля (12 Марта) 1917г.),
(Das Halophänomen vom 26. Februar (12 März) 1917),
Mirovedenie: Izvestija Russkogo Obscestva Ljubitelej Mirovedenija,
(Мироведение: Известия русского общества любителей мироведения),
(Mirovédénié: bulletin de la Société Russe des Amis de l'Étude de l'Univers),
ZDB-ID:1118754-2, Leningrad,
OCLC-Nr.:41054812, eOCLC-Nr.:609916479,
Том 6, но.3, (1917г.), стр. 170-173,
(In der ZDB nicht nachgewiesen).•
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"Slozhnye galosy v pervoí polovine 1926 g." (in russisch),
(Сложные галосы в первой половине 1926 г.),
(Halophänomene in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 1926),
Mirovedenie: Izvestija Russkogo Obscestva Ljubitelej Mirovedenija,
(Мироведение: Известия русского общества любителей мироведения),
(Mirovédénié: bulletin de la Société Russe des Amis de l'Étude de l'Univers),
ZDB-ID:1118754-2, Leningrad,
OCLC-Nr.:41054812, eOCLC-Nr.:609916479,
Том 15, (1926г.), стр. 323-333.•
-Tycho Brahe; T. R. Friis; Poul la Cour; Holger Frederik Rørdam:
"Tyge Brahes Meteorologiske dagbog, holdt paa Uraniborg for aarene 1582-1597: Udgiven som appendix til Collectanea meteorologica
af det Kgl. Danske videnskabernes selskab, ved dets Meteorologiske comité.",
(Beobachtungen siehe Themenblock: "Broadsides" --> "Chronicles", -{195}- bis -{256}-),
Danish edition
H. H. Thieles bogtrykkeri, Kjøbenhavn,
OCLC-NR.:1329624, eOCLC-Nr.:892807936,
(1876), iv, 263 pages, lxxv pages, diagrs. 25 cm.
English edition,
"Tyge Brahes meteorologiske Dagbog, holdt paa Uraniborg for Aarene 1582-1597.
[Edited by F.R. Friis. With abstracts of the diary in Danish and French, by Poul la Cour, and an index of the historical notices contained in it, by H.F. Rørdam.]
Udgiven som Appendix til Collectanea meteorologica af det kgl. danske Videnskabernes Selskab ved dets meteorologiske Comité.
(Appendice aux Collectanea meteorologica ... Contenant le Journal météorologique de Tycho Brahe, etc.)."
Thiele, Kjøbenhavn,
OCLC-NR.:252926934, 257450818,
(1876), iv. 263 pages, 8°.
French edition,
"Tyge Brahes meteorologiske dagbog, holdt paa Uraniborg for aarene 1582-1597:
Utziven som appendix til Collectanea meteorologica af det Kgl. danske Videnskabernes Selskab ved dets meteorologiske Comité
Appendice aux Collectanea meteorologica publiés sous les auspices de l'Académe royale des sciences et des lettres à Copenhague:
Appendice aux Collectanea meteorologica ... contenant le Journal Météorologique".
Thiele, Kjøbenhavn,
OCLC-NR.:163014199, 644460260, 493743205,
(1876), IV, 263, LXXVI S.
Latein edition
"Tyge Brahes meteorologiske dagbog = Journal mëtéorologique de Tycho Brahe : holdt paa Uraniborg aarene 1582-1597"
du Thlew-ee-Choh, maintenant grande rivière Back / le capitaine Back. Trad. par P. Cazeaux",
Thiele, Kjøbenhavn,
(1876), 263 pages.•

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